Friday, 24 November 2017

Vekselkurser Forexworld

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Con Bens sfondo in contabilità è stato deciso che questo sarebbe il primo mercato per l'esplorazione e così nel 1997 è nato AccountingWEB. co. uk. La formula ha funzionato, e in 12 mesi l'elenco circolazione era andato da 10 a 4.000, con ricavi generati da annunci in notiziari e-mail settimanali. Setacciare media raggiunge ora più di 700.000 professionisti iscritti ogni mese e fornisce oltre 5 milioni di pagine in tutto il suo portafoglio di 11 titoli nel Regno Unito e negli Stati Uniti. Non solo stiamo continuando a sviluppare alcune delle comunità di business online più fedeli e impegnati, forniamo soluzioni all'avanguardia per gli inserzionisti. Per una storia più dettagliata di visitare il nostro sito aziendale Sift. Se youd come a far parte di uno dei UKs editori più emozionanti e credi di avere la passione e le competenze per diventare una parte importante della squadra, perché non controllare il nostro commercio posti vacanti. Automatic sistema di forex, la nuova tecnologia innovativa nella foresta mercato di scambio si crede di essere un meccanismo di scambio rivoluzionaria che sta per cambiare l'approccio convenzionale verso la moneta di scambio. Il software automatizzato di cambio utilizzato in questi giorni è stato sviluppato da parte degli investitori di valuta di esperti con l'obiettivo di mettere tutte le conoscenze, le capacità e le competenze che si sono riuniti in un pacchetto software. La maggior parte delle volte collaborato con un team di ingegneri del software esperti che attaccano il sistema con conoscenze professionali convertito in algoritmi matematici questo è il base del software automatizzato. Ogni giorno i mercati valutari creano una quantità incredibile di dati seri che viene acquisita dal software. Le informazioni raccolte viene quindi ordinato al processo di realizzazione della decisione di investimento. Le statistiche vitali sono scricchiolava a cercare prospettive di investimento esistenti per i loro utenti. L'intero processo è fatto rapidamente e costantemente come dati cambia milioni di volte ogni giorno. Conoscendo questo fatto, un essere umano non può assolutamente eseguire questa attività computer in modo efficiente i sistemi software. FAP Turbo è l'unico robot che in realtà i chiodi commercio dopo il commercio di trading dal vivo due volte più proficuamente come nel test di 11 anni indietro, e la parte migliore è, che a differenza di altri robot forex, è completamente legale. E 'il più robusto, redditizio e facile da usare robot forex che raddoppia il tuo denaro ogni mese. Quindi, FAP Turbo non è solo una grande piattaforma di trading è una soluzione completa di reddito. Il sistema di forex è molto facile da installare e comincia a correre in breve tempo. È stato progettato in maniera molto facile da usare ed è anche molto utile per le persone che non sono esperto di computer, perché il download e l'esecuzione di FAP Turbo è facile e veloce come il download di un allegato di posta elettronica. Non importa quante persone commercio con FAP Turbo, la sua efficienza e la redditività rimane intatto. FAP Turbo è dotato di un ampio manuale, un costume video tutorial, e supporto telefonico gratuito. Forex MegaDroid è il primo software commerciale per usare Reverse correlati prezzo e la tecnologia Tempo Analysis (RCPTA), che è l'ultima tendenza in uso Intelligenza Artificiale nei sistemi di trading. Questo sistema consente la migliore precisione che sia mai stato raggiunto. Per questo motivo Forex MegaDroid non è un software di scalping, fa mestieri molto accurate e la sua frequenza di trading può essere a partire da un commercio ogni pochi giorni. Tra le altre caratteristiche uniche, MegaDroid Forex ha un meccanismo mediatore ani-frode. Non è un segreto che gli intermediari possono utilizzare tecniche al commercio contro i clienti, e di qualsiasi software automatizzato cade vittima per questo. Forex MegaDroid sostiene di avere costruire una protezione contro tale. In più, se si considera che il programma offre una garanzia di 60 giorni soddisfatti o rimborsati, l'investimento in questa tecnologia è ben protetto Non solo, è possibile impostare un account demo e test drive il software Million Dollar Pips è un potente consulente Forex che sarà si cammina attraverso le più efficaci tecniche di trading Forex utilizzati dagli esperti on-line. Ciò che rende il robot Million Dollar Pips più attraente è che incorpora un sistema di gestione del denaro per mantenere basso rischio. Morrison sostiene che il rischio per il capitale è mantenuto a partire da 2,5. Mantenere il rischio basso è un buon punto a mio parere. Quello non è tutto, Million Dollar Pips vi aiuterà a iniziare tirare profitto dal Forex a partire da oggi. Questo è un potente software di pulsante che si può ottenere quello che ti serve con facilità. Dite addio a bassi profitti FX, perché questo strumento straordinario sta per cambiare tutto questo. Ricordate che il mercato Forex è vasto e ostacoli lungo il percorso potrebbe impedirvi di raggiungere il tuo obiettivo. Il sistema Pips Million Dollar vi aiuterà a realizzare il vostro sogno di trading forex sistema automatico non richiede il servizio di un individuo per gestire i conti di moneta di scambio. Il programma di scambio o il robot forex trading gestirà tutte le attività di acquisto e vendita di commerciante. Sarà anche gestire i conti di trading per il commerciante con fuori lasciandolo a sopportare la pressione di moneta di scambio fisico. Se si possiede un sistema come questo che vi farà liberi dai problemi di osservazione del mercato valutario. Un mercato di valuta che funziona tutto il giorno richiede un sacco di tempo e sforzo da parte degli investitori che si aspetta buoni rendimenti dal suo investimento. Potrebbe non essere possibile per un individuo di tenere d'occhio sempre sugli sviluppi del mercato. Questo nuovo sistema si prenderà cura di tutti i problemi di osservazione del mercato costante. È possibile impostare voi stessi liberi da questa responsabilità affidando un robot il compito della vostra gestione dei fondi forex. La costante osservazione del mercato valutario da questi robot vi aiuterà a ottenere rendimenti più dal vostro investimento. Sarete in grado di monitorare gli sviluppi nel mercato di valuta ventiquattro ore al giorno utilizzando questo nuovo robot forex fondo di gestione. Questo ventina monitoraggio quattro ore del mercato da parte del robot aiuterà ad aumentare i rendimenti dei fondi forex, anche mentre si dorme. Un trader che utilizza un sistema di trading automatico forex sarà in grado di operare con più sistemi. Questi molteplici sistemi comprendono i sistemi che trasmettono su diversi indicatori commerciali o commercio per lungo o breve durata. Con l'esperimento con più sistemi si sarà in grado di diversificare il rischio che comporta l'investimento di un sistema particolare. Un robot o un sistema di trading automatico forex non saranno mai influenzate dalle emozioni del commercio individuale con la moneta. Molte volte le intuizioni degli individui che sono coinvolti nel commercio fisico può provocare perdite enormi. Non sarà verificano tali eventi, se si utilizza un robot per gestire i fondi. Se si vuole godere di tutti questi vantaggi di utilizzare un robot per la moneta di scambio, si dovrà fare attenzione mentre la scelta di un sistema per voi. Solo andare per un robot che è stato programmato dagli esperti nel mercato monetario per ottenere il massimo dal vostro sistema. Più Forex Trading Tips: Forex Mentor Pro vi insegna quanto sia importante l'esperienza è nel business del forex trading. Molte persone non capiscono perché ci potrebbero essere due operatori che potrebbero utilizzare gli stessi strumenti, programmi o robot, ma si arriva in cima, mentre l'altro perde i pantaloni. Ciò è dovuto al fattore esperienza. L'operatore esperto, non importa quanto gli utensili, robot, o programmi li aiutano, sa quando per identificare un mestiere che non può essere buono. Il trader inesperto permetterà loro programma di prendere in consegna, anche se il commercio non può essere così buono. E 'anche molto difficile per una o due persone a mentore personalmente un nuovo operatore a causa della forte domanda che questi mentori sono in. Quando si insegna un nuovo operatore le corde di trading, è appena non sedersi giù, dare loro le informazioni e lasciare sciolti. Questo è il problema più grande dei robot e altri systens forex scatola nera che si trovano oggi sul mercato. Segnali Omniforex è un sito web di appartenenza che vi dirà quando fare acquistare o vendere le decisioni nei mercati forex. Fare soldi dai mercati del forex non è facile. È necessario avere le informazioni corrette per operare con successo. I segnali Omniforex vi darà questa informazione. Una volta diventato un membro del sito, youll ottenere 3 strategie e segnali intraday youll usano per guadagnare un sacco di soldi ogni giorno Youll ottenere i tempi esatti di acquistare, il livello di profitto Prendi e il livello di Stop Loss. Non avete bisogno di molto per essere un trader forex di successo. Hai solo bisogno di segnali Omniforex, un computer con una connessione a Internet, un po 'di soldi per iniziare e un po' di tempo ogni giorno. Quando si accede al tuo account Segnali Omniforex, si avrà accesso alle 3 strategie, citazioni forex in tempo reale e notizie forex aggiornati. Youll hanno anche accesso a un manuale forex, un glossario e altre risorse. Farfalla Corso Parte 6 I greci Nella lezione di oggi, stavano per essere guardando i greci di mestieri farfalla. Capire Greci di opzione è di vitale importanza con la maggior parte delle strategie di opzione e che è sicuramente il caso con le farfalle. Greci per una farfalla lunga chiamata neutra, lungo mettere a farfalla e la farfalla di ferro sono tutti sarà molto simile. Discuterò i greci per un tradizionale lungo call spread a farfalla neutro e si sa che lo stesso può valere per le altre varietà di farfalle neutri. Un tipico spread a farfalla è impostato con i brevi scioperi messi a-the-money. Non ci vuole un genio per capire che il delta di una farfalla neutra sarà pari a zero (o molto vicino a), ma cosa succede quando i prezzi delle azioni si allontana dal vostro breve scioperi Se il titolo scende, la vostra farfalla diventa delta positivo. Se ci pensate, questo ha un senso. Quando il titolo scende, il suo punto di massimo profitto è superiore al prezzo corrente, quindi si desidera che il magazzino a salire. delta positivo indica che farete i soldi come il titolo sale. L'opposto si può dire se il titolo sale. Il tuo punto di massimo profitto è ora al di sotto del prezzo corrente, così si vuole lo stock a prezzi a cadere. Pertanto, è necessario delta negativo. Questo è mostrato graficamente nell'immagine qui sotto. La linea tratteggiata rappresenta una più breve un'opzione datato e la linea continua rappresenta un'opzione più datata. Si può vedere che l'effetto è più pronunciare nell'opzione datata più breve. In altre parole, il delta rischio (direzionale) è maggiore nelle farfalle a più breve termine. Gamma è un greco estremamente importante capire quando trading farfalle, come ho già accennato. Importante e spesso trascurato. Gamma è la ragione per cui il delta di una farfalla cambia da positivo a negativo. Per coloro che non hanno familiarità con raggi gamma, una rapida discussione potrebbe essere in ordine prima di guardare specificamente a farfalla gamma. Gamma rappresenta il tasso di variazione di un delta opzioni. Un'opzione con una gamma di .05 vedrà il suo aumento delta da .05 per ogni 1 punto movimento nel sottostante. Delta commerci neutri non alloggiate neutro a lungo e il motivo è gamma. Per capire come funziona gamma, consente di guardare un esempio. Si supponga di acquistare un giorno 30, 50 delta straddle e uno straddle 90 giorni, 50 delta. Entrambe le posizioni hanno esattamente lo stesso delta, così come potranno svolgere se il titolo si muove Quello con la più alta gamma farà meglio, in questo caso il commercio datato più breve. Gamma è al suo massimo con le opzioni at-the-money. Guardando opzioni call spia con 16 giorni di scadenza, è possibile vedere la gamma è più alta in tutto 161 163. Da questo si può dedurre che at-the-money farfalle hanno una grande (negativo) il rischio di gamma. Gamma sarà più alto per le opzioni datati più brevi, come potete vedere qui sotto. Gamma per il luglio al-the-money chiama è di circa 0,08 mentre il settembre-the-money chiamate sono 0,03. Per questo motivo, l'ultima settimana di vita opzioni è indicato come settimana gamma. La maggior parte dei trader professionisti non vogliono essere breve gamma durante l'ultima settimana di vita opzioni. venditori netti di opzioni sarà breve gamma e acquirenti netti di opzioni sarà lunga gamma. Ciò ha senso perché la maggior parte dei venditori di opzioni non vogliono lo stock di muoversi lontano, mentre gli acquirenti di opzioni beneficiano di ampi movimenti. Una gamma più ampia (positivo o negativo) porta ad un cambiamento più grande in delta quando tuo magazzino si muove. Quando si fa trading farfalle, si paga sicuramente a tenere d'occhio gamma. Quando il calcio è al di fuori delle ali di una farfalla, il commercio ha gamma positivo. Questo indica che il commercio guadagnerà delta come il prezzo sale e perdere delta come il prezzo scende. Quando lo stock è a destra al scioperi mezzo si dispone di una grande esposizione gamma negativo. Una grande gamma negativo significa non volete lo stock di muoversi lontano. Questo ha senso per una farfalla quando si è a destra al scioperi medie. Come il titolo si muove su dalle brevi scioperi farfalla perderà delta (e probabilmente passare dal delta neutro a breve delta come abbiamo discusso in precedenza). Come il titolo scende dalle brevi scioperi farfalla guadagnerà delta (che va dal neutro al delta positivo). L'esposizione di gamma negativo su un mestiere farfalla è molto di più che su altri traffici reddito popolari come condor di ferro. farfalle neutri sono brevi Vega. L'esposizione Vega è simile alla gamma in che si dispone di un grande fido Vega breve i brevi scioperi e Vega positivo al di fuori delle ali. Così Vega lavora contro di voi in giro per le corti scioperi, ma poi quando lo stock inizia ad allontanarsi, comincia in realtà a lavorare a tuo favore. Nei primi giorni di una farfalla, la volatilità avrà il maggiore impatto sui profitti di tutti i greci. Per esempio un solco 45 giorni at-the-money farfalla ha un delta di -2, una gamma di 0, un Vega di -31 e Theta di 4. Vega è di gran lunga la più grande esposizione e avrà il maggiore impatto. Le farfalle hanno un diagramma di payoff molto simile ad uno spread di calendario, la differenza principale è che le farfalle sono negativi Vega, mentre i calendari sono positivi Vega. Theta è l'esatto opposto della gamma. Si dispone di un grande Theta positivo (fare soldi col passare del tempo) quando lo stock è a portata di brevi scioperi e si dispone di delta negativo (perdita di denaro come passa il tempo) quando lo stock è al di là delle ali. Questo è tutto per oggi, nella prossima lezione ben guardare farfalle ala rotta che io chiamo il One Size Fits All strategia. Forex seminario di trading in Malesia. Trusted sicurezza Brokers opzioni binarie makialliance Forex seminario di trading in Malesia opzioni binarie vs scommesse Forex trading sui commercianti del mercato azionario dalla Malaysia forex trading formazione sistema di forex in Malesia. Il migliore in linea. Trading. Seminario, forex trading forex seminario. Articolo è stato pubblicato nel modo a tutti i principi fondamentali del mercato di questi sono ora è. Scalper rs a parte, al Maybank Kim ita, però. 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Proprio come andare a scuola, capire come iniziare nel mercato azionario è costituito da passare attraverso un processo di apprendimento. Lungo la strada youll essere l'apprendimento di molte cose diverse, tra cui i seguenti argomenti, tra gli altri, ad un certo punto o in un altro: So che suona come un sacco, ma non dovete imparare tutto in una volta. Prenditi il ​​tuo tempo . Ill essere comprese quante più informazioni su questi argomenti come posso, in modo che non dovete guardare in 10 luoghi diversi su internet per trovare le informazioni che potrebbe essere necessario. La maggior parte delle persone che vengono iniziato a comprare azioni, Dont Stop e stese sforzo sufficiente per conoscere azionari basi del mercato e quello che stanno ottenendo in anticipo. Partendo dalle basi del mercato azionario è un punto di partenza naturale. Pensateci, verso la fine del liceo, quando decidere su quale campo di carriera di andare in, cosa facciamo Facciamo ricerca e educare noi stessi sui diversi percorsi di carriera che ci interessa. Una volta che si impara abbastanza, ci sia decidiamo su un percorso universitario o di un percorso di lavoro immediato che alla fine ci condurrà verso il nostro risultato finale - una delle nostre carriere scelti. In altre parole, abbiamo in programma Quando andiamo a scuola, stiamo imparando per anni circa il nostro campo di studio scelto. Anche dopo che siamo nel nostro campo di carriera, abbiamo continuare ad imparare tutta la nostra vita per ottenere una migliore a quello che facciamo. stock trading o di investire non è diversa. Per avere successo in compravendita di azioni, è necessario iniziare il processo di apprendimento e continuamente sviluppare e mettere a punto un piano di stock trading. Quanto più si impara a conoscere nozioni di base del mercato azionario dall'inizio, e la più specifica ricerca di mercato azionario che si fa, meglio sarà. Ogni trader di successo o investitore passa attraverso un certo tipo di processo di apprendimento. Alcuni fin dall'inizio e alcuni solo dopo perdono un sacco di soldi, infine, rendendosi conto che manca qualcosa. Per avere successo in compravendita di azioni, si deve capire che ci sarà un processo di apprendimento, proprio come qualsiasi altra cosa. Questo sarà il tuo Stock Market Education. Vogliamo comprare basso e vendere alto è necessario sviluppare un piano di stock trading per avere successo, e aderire al piano Andando avanti, non dimenticare circa i principi fondamentali del mercato azionario. Tornando alle basi sarà sempre essere utile. Si può sempre imparare qualcosa di nuovo. Passare attraverso le altre pagine di questo sito per conoscere sviluppare il proprio piano di trading e su come proteggere il vostro denaro in mercati volatili di oggi. Pronto per il prossimo passo Vai avanti a leggere e imparare a comprare azioni. mercato Forex è diventato uno dei mercati più redditizi per guadagnare soldi. Ora ci sono molti modi per guadagnare soldi in questo tipo di mercato e uno di loro è forex swap. Impariamo cosa si tratta Nella transazione forex swap, vendere una valuta ad un prezzo predeterminato oggi e devono acquistare la valuta che a questo prezzo in futuro indipendentemente dal suo prezzo prevalente in quel punto del tempo. Per esempio, è possibile acquistare dollari ora in cambio di euro e poi li vendono in seguito ottenere dollari in cambio. Questo scambio di euro determinerà la quantità di profitto si guadagnano se Euro apprezza o si deprezza rispetto al dollaro. Ora, come sono i profitti determinati in uno swap di cambio. Essi si rivelano attraverso la differenza dei tassi di interesse delle due valute per il periodo di scambio. Il prezzo dello swap include anche il tasso di interesse che può essere guadagnato nel corso della durata di swap da eventuali fluttuazioni di tasso di interesse. Il margine di variazioni dei tassi di interesse e le modifiche dei tassi di cambio sono sottratti in forma di punti dal prezzo di scambio. Ciò significa che il broker dà la differenza tra il prestito e il tasso debitore del cambio. L'altro elemento del prezzo di scambio è il currency swap in cui i movimenti di valuta si riflettono negli utili di un commerciante di swap. Se non si è attratti abbastanza dalla variabilità dei tassi di interesse e desidera proteggersi contro eventuali variazioni del tasso di interesse, allora si può fare affidamento in swap libera forex swap. Ciò significa che il banco non perde i soldi in questa operazione di scambio a causa dei movimenti dei tassi di interesse, ma solo a causa di movimenti valutari. Questo tipo di account gratuiti di scambio sono piuttosto popolare nei paesi islamici in cui a causa di connotazioni religiose persone astenersi dall'uso della funzione di swap in queste occasioni. Ci sono molte cose che un uomo comune deve essere consapevole di prima di partecipare alle operazioni di swap forex. Si dovrebbe essere esperto nel gergo tecnico di questo mercato altrimenti non si può ottenere la quantità desiderata di successo in esso. Un investitore forex ha bisogno di concentrarsi abbastanza per mettere a punto tutte le sue strategie di trading in questo mercato. A parte dalla conoscenza, una grande pratica delle tecniche di trading non può che fare una persona ottenere leva nel mercato in ogni momento. Nel funzionamento reale del mercato, l'operazione nel mercato avvengono contemporaneamente. C'è un sull'operazione cambio a pronti seguita da una transazione in avanti. La valuta viene acquistato e poi venduto allo stesso tempo. Le operazioni di swap possono girare solo di essere favorevole se si è completamente studiato il mercato e in grado di prevedere con precisione le variazioni di valore di una moneta in futuro. I movimenti del forex sono governati da molti fattori come le politiche governative e manifestazioni internazionali. Un investitore dovrebbe sapere come ogni avvenimento può influenzare il valore di mercato di una moneta. A causa di alto livello di commercio di rischio di cambio (Forex) potrebbe non essere adatto a tutti gli investitori. Attenzione alle leva finanziaria come suo aumento del rischio di conto di trading. Un certo livello di esperienza è un bene prima di effettuare qualsiasi investimento in denaro reale sul mercato Forex. Come Forex trading è molto rischioso, c'è sempre la possibilità di perdere i investmentdeposits. E 'saggio non commerciare su un importo, se non può permettersi la perdita. Molti commercianti di Forex soffiato tutto il loro conto e molti stanno facendo i soldi da esso. Nessuno garantirà la vostra perdita e di profitto sul Forex. Il vostro investimento sul forex è vostra responsabilità. E 'bene farsi consigliare da dal consulente finanziario prima di entrare in questo mercato. Eventuali articoli, post o commenti fatto da ultima Forex al proprio sito o altro sito riflette le opinioni dei singoli autori più recenti di Forex. Ultime Forex non verificare l'esattezza di post, commenti o la scrittura degli autori. Tutti i nostri messaggi sono generali commento di mercato. Ultime Forex non sarà responsabile per il conto economico, se si contano i commenti di recente Forex. Tu sei il decisore del tuo trading e recente Forex non sarà una parte di questo e non deve compiere alcuna passività di vostro profitto, perdita o danno. Come Forex Brokers fare soldi. 12 dicembre 2014 da pwpadmin Che tu sia un principiante o un esperto, tutti hanno bisogno di servizi di broker forex ad un certo punto, mentre si occupano del mercato dei cambi. Quindi la domanda che si pone è che sono broker forex e come possono condurvi verso il tuo obiettivo di fare soldi nel forex trading Chi è un Forex Broker Una delle parti essenziali del forex trading è un broker forex. Una singola persona o una società che forniscono servizi di collegamento tra l'investitore e il mercato dei cambi. Il broker forex, a vostro nome, svolge la propria attività nel mercato delle materie prime e si guadagna la sua commissione. Egli vi assiste in acquisto e vendita di valute e vi assiste nel fornire un buon consiglio. Come fare Forex Brokers Aiuto E 'sempre utile per la tua carriera forex quando si dispone di broker forex servizi. Il broker forex serve come un partner la cui competenza ed esperienza vi porterà al vostro obiettivo finale. Le loro abilità permettono agli investitori di aumentare il loro reddito e investire nel mercato redditizio. Fanno la procedura complicata di acquisto e vendita coppia di valute più facile per l'investitore. Scegliere un broker forex che è affidabile, ha una buona reputazione e che è abbastanza responsabile per lavorare a vostro nome. Un broker affidabile e ben attrezzata non solo mantiene l'esecuzione di operazioni di acquisto e vendita di a vostro nome, ma mantiene anche informato e aggiornato sulle tendenze del mercato. Lavora come guida e consigli per quanto riguarda l'investitore quando comprare o vendere nel mercato del forex. Quando un investitore sceglie un Forex Broker qualificato, che ha una conoscenza completa circa le condizioni di mercato e le tendenze e le strategie forex, si assicura che i suoi investimenti sono in buone mani. I broker forniscono anche un po 'di materiale di formazione agli investitori, al fine di fargli conoscere il mercato dei cambi. Forex Broker Aziende Ci sono molte aziende che offrono broker forex Servizi per l'investitore. Ora ci sono un certo numero di programmi software di trading e queste società di intermediazione vi farà familiarità con i loro strumenti e applicazioni per tenervi aggiornati con gli alti e bassi del mercato dei cambi. L'investitore può anche comprare e vendere le valute, con l'aiuto della loro particolare software e analizzare l'andamento del mercato. Le imprese broker forex, se necessario, fornire anche un conto di trading per l'investitore, in modo che possa svolgere il suo acquisto e le operazioni di vendita dal conto. Il software fornito dalla ditta mediatore aiuta l'investitore a valutare le operazioni effettuate da lui e dare suggerimenti per il trading futuro. Tutti questi strumenti, le applicazioni e le procedure garantiscono che l'investimento eseguito dal investitore rimane sicuro e gli fornisce un profitto. L'investitore dovrebbe essere conosciuto dalla fama del suo broker di forex, quindi se il broker è affidabile, la gente prenderebbe in considerazione l'investitore è anche affidabile. Prima di assumere i servizi di broker forex, si consiglia di controllare il sito web relative ai broker forex. Non ci sono recensioni presentate per ciascuno dei broker, in modo da poter scegliere leggendo una recensione relativa al vostro broker particolare. Quantificati Strategie di Trading con la macchina: Che cosa è Alpha e perché si vuole come un professionista o un investitore si hanno due scelte strategiche: investire il vostro denaro passivamente o assumere un ruolo attivo nel determinare il vostro futuro finanziario. Se si prende un ruolo attivo, allora la domanda più importante è questa: fa il vostro investimento o strategia di trading prodotti alfa alfa è ciò che gli operatori professionali sono pagati per la produzione di tutti i giorni. Alpha è definito come il ritorno al di sopra dei mercati ritornare ad esempio, il ritorno sopra quello che un investitore passivo potrebbe guadagnare nello stesso periodo con l'acquisto e tenendo premuto il SPY. Quindi, nel chiedere voi stessi se il vostro investimento o strategia di trading ha alfa, si sta chiedendo: faccio il mio strategie di trading costantemente sovraperformare il mercato azionario enfasi sul modo coerente. La vostra strategia di trading sovraperformare il mercato solo in mercati emergenti Oppure la vostra strategia di trading sovraperformare il mercato nel mercato laterale e orso, così ci crediate o no, molte strategie di trading che sovraperformare il mercato azionario al rialzo sono le stesse strategie di trading che in realtà fare di peggio che il mercato azionario quando il mercato si muove lateralmente o inferiore. Sapere se la vostra strategia di trading offre alfa è importante perché un sacco di tempo e sforzo va nella costruzione di una strategia di investimento o di trading per non parlare di un sacco di soldi. E francamente, se le vostre strategie di trading non eseguono meglio di investire passiva nell'indice SP 500 o simili, allora si sta meglio tra l'acquisto e tenendo premuto il SPY o la ricerca di una migliore strategia di trading. Per ulteriori informazioni su alfa e perché è un aspetto importante nel decidere quali di investimento e di trading strategie è giusto per te, clicca sul link qui sotto per unire Larry Connors per uno speciale webinar on-line, come sfruttare l'Alfa nella macchina. Larry Connors è fondatore e CEO di TradingMarkets, e un commerciante con quasi 30 anni di esperienza nel settore finanziario. La sua prossima presentazione spiegare sia perché alfa è l'elemento chiave nella gestione attiva il vostro denaro e come le risorse come la macchina può aiutare i commercianti e gli investitori utilizzare strategie di trading quantificati per la produzione di alfa per i propri portafogli di investimento. Se youve assunto un ruolo attivo nella gestione del vostro denaro, ma si chiedono se il vostro investimento o di trading strategie stanno producendo i rendimenti che dovrebbero, quindi Clink sul link qui sotto per saperne di più su Larrys prossimo webinar presentato gratuitamente TradingMarkets come sfruttare l'Alfa in La macchina . David Penn è redattore capo di TradingMarkets aggiornata automaticamente quando nuovi dati viene rilasciato. Calendario Economico Video Tutorial Il tempo reale Calendario Economico copre eventi economici e gli indicatori provenienti da tutto il mondo. Il suo aggiornate automaticamente quando nuovi dati viene rilasciato. Il tempo reale Calendario Economico fornisce solo informazioni di carattere generale e non vuole essere una guida di trading. FXStreet impegna ad offrire i contenuti più precisi, ma a causa della grande quantità di dati e l'ampia gamma di fonti ufficiali, FXStreet non può essere ritenuto responsabile per eventuali imprecisioni che potrebbero verificarsi. Il tempo reale Calendario Economico può anche essere soggette a modifiche senza preavviso. Settimanali RSS analisi macroeconomica copiare 2007-2015 Fusion Media Limited. Tutti i diritti riservati Divulgazione di rischio: Fusion Media, non si assume alcuna responsabilità per perdite o danni a seguito di affidamento sulle informazioni contenute all'interno di questo sito Web, compresi i dati, le citazioni, i grafici ei segnali buysell. Si prega di essere pienamente informato per quanto riguarda i rischi ei costi associati alla negoziazione sui mercati finanziari, è una delle forme più rischiose di investimento possibili. Moneta di scambio sul margine coinvolge ad alto rischio e non è adatto per tutti gli investitori. Prima di decidere di commercio in valuta estera o qualsiasi altro strumento finanziario si dovrebbe considerare con attenzione i vostri obiettivi di investimento, livello di esperienza e propensione al rischio. ampampampampltimg altForexTime titleTrade con FXTM styleheight: larghezza 119px: 107px srcsitesdefaultfilesimgfxtm-logo-footer402x. pngampampampampgt FT Global Limited is regulated by the IFSC with Licence numbers IFSC60345TS and IFSC60345APM. There is a high level of risk involved with trading leveraged products such as forex and CFDs. Si consiglia di non rischiare più di quello che può permettersi di perdere, è possibile che si può perdere più del vostro investimento iniziale. Non si dovrebbe commercio a meno che non si comprende appieno la reale portata della vostra esposizione al rischio di perdita. Quando si fa trading, è sempre necessario prendere in considerazione il vostro livello di esperienza. It is the responsibility of the Client to ensure that the Client can accept the Services andor enter into the Transactions in the country in which the Client is resident. Se i rischi sembrano poco chiaro a voi, si prega di chiedere una consulenza indipendente. FXTM does not offer its services to residents of certain jurisdictions such as the USA, Belize, Japan, Iran, British Columbia, Quebec, Saskatchewan and all of the countries of the European Economic Area. Le performance passate non sono indicative di risultati futuri CFD sono prodotti con leva. Trading in CFD legati alla valuta estera, materie prime, indici finanziari e altre variabili sottostanti, comportano un elevato livello di rischio e può provocare la perdita di tutto il capitale investito. In quanto tale, i CFD potrebbero non essere adatti a tutti gli investitori. Non si dovrebbe investire denaro che non può permettersi di perdere. Prima di decidere di commercio, si dovrebbe venire a conoscenza di tutti i rischi connessi con CFD trading, e chiedere il parere di un consulente finanziario indipendente e adeguatamente licenza. In nessun caso potremo avere alcuna responsabilità per qualsiasi persona o entità per (a) qualsiasi perdita o danno, in tutto o in parte causati da, derivanti da, o relative a eventuali operazioni connesse alla CFD o (b) qualsiasi danno diretto, indiretto, speciale, danni diretti o indiretti di sorta. Trading con eToro OpenBook seguendo la copia Andor o replicare i mestieri di altri commercianti comporta un elevato livello di rischio, anche quando si segue la copia Andor o replicare i commercianti più performanti. Tali rischi includono il rischio che si può essere followingcopying le decisioni di trading di commercianti possibilmente inexperiencedunprofessional e il rischio complessivo connesso in CFD Trading o commercianti il ​​cui ultimo scopo o l'intenzione, o finanziaria di stato può essere diversa dalla vostra. Le performance passate di un eToros OpenBook membro della Comunità non è un indicatore affidabile della sua performance futura. Il contenuto di eToros OpenBook è generato dai membri della sua comunità e non contiene consigli o raccomandazioni da o per conto di eToro Trading Online. copy 2007-2015 Fusion Media Limited. All Rights Reserved Risk Disclosure: Fusion Media will not accept any liability for loss or damage as a result of reliance on the information contained within this website including data, quotes, charts and buysell signals. Si prega di essere pienamente informato per quanto riguarda i rischi ei costi associati alla negoziazione sui mercati finanziari, è una delle forme più rischiose di investimento possibili. Moneta di scambio sul margine coinvolge ad alto rischio e non è adatto per tutti gli investitori. Prima di decidere di commercio in valuta estera o qualsiasi altro strumento finanziario si dovrebbe considerare con attenzione i vostri obiettivi di investimento, livello di esperienza e propensione al rischio. Trading Forex in Bitcoin Is it the Geekiest Way to Make money Online Forex has always been one of the most attractive investment options for less experienced traders. Now, bitcoin is bringing a new breed of investors to the forex trading space, and many brokers are opening its doors to the digital currency. In fact, this year all along, several Forex brokers started to deal with bitcoin, and it seems the interest, both from traders and brokers, in this type of investment is growing exponentially. The Foreign Exchange (Forex) Market is the largest market in the world. It is where foreign currencies are exchanged and where every day more than 4 trillion dollars are traded. The huge volume of daily transactions makes it the most liquid market in the world. The enormous size of the Forex market is what ensures that no one can control the market not even banks or big financial groups can control the market for a long period of time. Forex essentially goes around about eight major currencies and is open 24 hours a day, enabling traders to have the best chances whenever they hear a financial scoop. A few years ago there was no Broker willing t o work with bitcoin, but now this is changing currently we can find a lot of brokers that enable investors to trade forex pairs using BTC. It looks like Forex trading via bitcoin is revolutionizing both Forex trading and BTC investments. Several brokers already let users trade forex pairs by investing with bitcoin. A Few Examples of Forex Brokers accepting Bitcoin: Risk vs. Reward - Ignore What Youve Heard Sign up for one of our free online webinars today and start learning the ins and outs of forex trading Consider the old adage permeating the forex market that a trader must maintain a ratio of two dollars in potential profit for every dollar that is risked on a transaction. Is it true Does a 2:1 profitloss ratio matter The first thing to recognize is that a successful trader is measured by profitability, not maintaining an industry-expected risk reward. Trading manuals and Forex gurus have long trumpeted the 2:1 risk reward ratio as a guidepost for traders. Traders in turn march dutifully to the mantra of 2:1 risk reward ratio. Lets look at some examples in the forex market to test the traditional wisdom. Trader A has a taste for risk in her trading style and accepts a healthy 400 average loss. But she is making an average of 800 on her winning trades - an admired 2:1 risk reward. But her winning percentage is only 30. For every 10 trades she thus loses an average of 40, despite her 2:1 risk reward that is widely advocated. Trader B, on the other hand, makes an average of only 175 on her winning currency trades but still endures a 400 average loss - a frowned-upon risk reward on 1:2.29. Yet she makes a gain on 70 of her trades. For every ten trades she makes she realizes a profit of 25. What is at work here is not the risk reward ratio that is determining profitability but the risk reward ratio operating in tandem with winning percentage. It is the expected win percentage AND the fundamentals of the risk reward ratio that must be continually evaluated. When playing the forex market traders must determine the style of trader they are, not blindly pursue industry-recommended ratios. Once a calculation is derived to tag your win percentage as a trader, then you can figure what risk reward ratio is needed at a minimum to make a trade pay off. Traders with lower win rates must make sure their trades average larger risk rewards to deliver bottom line profitability. Others who are not willing to take large hits for a big score will push their trading activities towards a higher win rate and smaller risk reward ratios. Too often trades are labeled a good play if they present rewards two and three times the money risked. But what if the trade has a success rate of only 10 Who is going to make that good trade now On the other hand if your research shows a statistical edge that provides a 90 win probability what will it matter if you are trading with a 2:1 risk reward or a 1:5 risk reward Trading in the forex market cant be executed in knee-jerk fashion based on accepted ratios born in an informational vacuum. There are many roads to success in the forex market but one road is pitted with more potholes than the rest - following traditional wisdom. How to Trade the FOREX Weekend Gaps Trade Forex weekend gaps using this simple strategy. Weekend gap trading is a popular strategy with foreign exchange, or Forex, traders. While technically open around the clock, Forex trading closes on Friday afternoon and doesnt reopen until Sunday evening. Many news announcements and world events that affect currency prices can happen between trading sessions. Forex investors trade the weekend gap by expecting Sundays opening price to return to Fridays closing price. Go online to your Forex trading account or open an account if you do not have one. Pull up the list of currencies and select a heavily traded pair. The euro-U. S. dollar (EURUSD) is the most popular pair to trade, followed closely by the U. S. dollar-Japanese yen (USDJPY) and the British pound sterling-U. S. dollar (GPBUSD). Of the three, the EURUSD is the most liquid and least volatile, making it an excellent currency pair to trade during the weekend gap. Pull up the closing price for 5 p. m. (EST) Friday for the currency pair you select. Using the USDJPY pair as an example, say the closing price on Friday at 5 p. m. was 82.00. Log this information in your notebook. You will use this closing price to determine if the gap can be traded when the Tokyo market opens on Sunday at 7 p. m. EST. Decide how large the gap must be before you will enter a trade. For example, if you want to trade a 1 percent gap in the USDJPY, you will look for the opening price to gap up around 82.80 (82.00 x 1 percent .80) or gap down to 81.20. You can adjust the percentage higher or lower to fit your risk tolerance. Wait for the Tokyo market to open at 7 p. m. Sunday. Enter a trade if the opening USDJPY rate is at least 82.80 or 81.20. Use Fridays closing price of 82.00 as your profit target. For example, if the market at opening gaps up at 82.80, you would sell the currency pair and look to close the trade when the price hits 82.00 if the market opens at 81.20, you will buy the currency pair and close the trade when the price hits 82.00. Keep the trade open until the gap is filled or if the currency chart indicates the gap will continue to widen. Things Youll Need Choose the currency pair you want to trade. Although there are many different currency pairs traded every day, the most actively traded currency pairs traded today are the euro-dollar (symbol EURUSD), the dollar-yen (symbol USDJPY) and the pound-dollar (symbol GPBUSD). If you are new to FOREX, you may want to start out trading the euro-dollar pair, as it is the most liquid, and therefore less volatile than other pairs. Identify the currency pairs closing exchange rate set on Friday. The closing exchange rate for the gap strategy is the closing exchange rate achieved on Friday at 5:00PM EST. For example, if the EURUSD closed at 1.3800 on Friday at 5:00PM EST you would record this information and compare it to the following weeks opening exchange rate, to be set on Sunday evening when the Asian market opens at 7:00PM EST. Determine the percentage size of the gap. For example, you may want your gap to be greater than or equal to one percent, half a percent, or even a quarter of a percent. Assume you had chosen one percent. In this case you would want to verify if Sunday nights Asia opening exchange rate is off by one percent or more from where the exchange rate closed on Friday at 5:00PM EST. Initiate a trade if the gap is greater than or equal to your predetermined criteria. For example, if you are using a one-percent gap criterion in the EURUSD, then you would buy the currency pair if the exchange rate opened the week one percent or more below where it closed on Friday. If the EURUSD currency pair opened the week one percent or more above where it closed on Friday, you would sell the currency pair. Close out your trade once the gap has been closed or if the gap continues to widen beyond your initial criterion. wiseGEEK: What is Directional Trading Directional trading is an investment strategy based on the investors speculation as to the way the market is heading. This strategy is based solely on the direction of the market, and it involves making a bet on whether the market will rise or decline. Directional trades involve making either a net long or net short position within a market. If the market goes up, a net long investment strategy will pay off, while a downward turn in the market will benefit a net short directional trade. A directional trading strategy is often as simple as an investor holding onto a portfolio of stocks or bonds. Additional resources the investor can use include currencies, futures and options. Within the category of short and long directional trading, the investment may be dedicated long or short, a dedicated long or short bias, or pursuing a long or short strategy. Dedicated long and short strategies involve taking only long or short positions in the market. A long position is the one taken most often by investors, as the long-term market is more likely to rise. Dedicated short strategies are less common today, but a number of unconventional businesspeople took advantage of this strategy during the bull market of the twentieth century. The directional trading strategy known as a dedicated long or short bias maintain either a net long or net short exposure to the market. A long and short strategy maintain a short-term market watch and select stocks to go long or short while also deciding when to go net long and when to go net short. Long and short directional trading is also known as market timing. It is a simple concept that can be applied in any market, and it simply involves keeping a close eye on the economy to get in or out of the market based on expectations and predictions. Direction trading is the opposite of market neutral strategies, which combine long and short market positions to result in no net market exposure at all. Directional trading is used widely among those new to the stock market and the investment world. For more advanced economists, non-directional trading has been an option, particularly a good one in a market hit by a recession. This type of trading involves not paying attention to the direction of the market at all. Non-directional traders enter the market and exit only once they make a profit. If the market continually declines, they put in a hedge fund. an unregulated investment fund that takes highly speculative positions. Forex Tester 2.5 by Forex Tester Software Forex Tester is an excellent tool for learning to deal in Forex (Foreign Exchange) trading. In this application you do not have to risk your real money for learning. This trading simulator works on data stored in the software to plan your strategy. You can also add various data for analysis of various situations. You can set the speed of price changes as per your convenience. This application also helps you with the trading statistics and intuitive-friendly interface. This also saves you lot of time that you might need to spend in learning and getting experience of forex trading with the real trading. You get to learn to handle situations in a very short period of time without risking your savings. Training and Development PowerPoint Template 12652 Page Backgrounds Size: 1024x768 Available FormatsSoftware Required: File Format for Download: Presentation template in PowerPoint (PPT) format with 3 master slides: Title Master, Slide Master, and Print Master. All the backgrounds are in separated JPEG files. Includes 3 or more pre-created palettes. Please choose your membership and how would you like to pay. Yearly: 299 USD (24.92month) Semiannually: 199 USD (33.17month) Quarterly: 99 USD (33.00month) The most important part of how to make money using the no stop, hedged, Forex trading strategy will now be covered. Nei precedenti articoli di questa serie abbiamo esaminato trading senza soste, non essendo preoccupato che modo il prezzo si muove e luoghi di incassare sulle operazioni redditizie. Ora stiamo andando a mostrare come si dovrebbe fare soldi comprando e vendendo contemporaneamente utilizzando la strategia di rete. Il no stop, sistema di rete di scambio di valuta coperta utilizza la regola che si dovrebbe essere in grado di chiudere una transazione in un guadagno, non importa in che modo il mercato si muove. L'unico modo in cui questo è logicamente possibile è che si potrebbe avere un acquisto e una transazione di vendita attivi contemporaneamente. La maggior parte dei commercianti dire che questa operazione non è consigliata, ma consente di guardare più in dettaglio. Assumendo una griglia con lacune di griglia di 100 pips. Abbiamo intenzione di utilizzare la formazione più semplice per mostrare i principi coinvolti. Questa formazione è la formazione di 100 Ritracciamento dove il prezzo sale ad un livello di griglia e poi ritorna al livello di partenza. Purtroppo le cose diventano abbastanza matematica da qui. Stiamo anche ignorando mediatore si estende per mantenere le cose semplici. Let us say that a trader enters the market with a buy (buy 1) and sell (sell 1) deal active when a currency is at a level of say 1.0100. The price then goes to level 1.0200. Il buy sarà quindi positivo per 100 pips. La vendita sarà negativo per 100 pips. Now we would cash in our positive deal and bank our 100 pips. The sell is now however is carrying a loss of -100 pips. The grid system requires one to ensure that the trader can cash in on any movement in the Forex market. To do this one would again enter into a buy (buy 2) and a sell (sell 2) deal at this level (level 1.0200). Now, for convenience let us say that the price moves back to level 1.0100 (the starting point). The second sell (sell 2) has now gone positive by 100 pips and the second buy (buy 2) is making a loss of -100 pips. According to the grid trading rules you would cash the sell (sell 2) in and another 100 pips will be added to your account. That brings the grand total cashed in at this point to 200 pips (buy 1 and sell 2). At this stage the first sell that is active has moved from level 1.0200 where it was -100 to level 1.0100 where it is now breaking even. The 4 transactions added together now incredibly show a gain:- 1st buy (buy 1) cashed in 100, 2nd sell (sell 2) cashed in 100, 1st sell (sell 1) now breaking even and the 2nd buy (buy 2) is -100. This gives an overall a gain of 100 pips in total. We can liquidate all the deals and have some champagne as we have made a profit of 100 pips. Please make sure you understand the mathematics behind the activities discussed above. You may have to reread and draw the movements on a piece of paper to make sure you understand the concept. This formation is the 100 retracement formation where the price goes up to a grid level and then returns back to the starting grid level and results in a nice profit for the forex trader. There are many other market movements that turn this strange Buy and Sell at the same time activity into profits. The next article will cover the 50 retractment formation which produces the same amount of profit. There will be much more on the no stop, hedged grid trading system in future articles in this directory. Do not miss them, whatever you do. About the Author: Relative Value Trading Using Pair Trades By David Becker bull 0 Comments Pair trading is a relative value trading strategy where an investor seeks to profit from the relative change in one stock or asset relative to another stock. Pair trading is considered market-neutral as the direction of the ratio between two stocks is not predicated on the direction of the broader market indices. Pair trading strategies are often developed by taking simultaneous long and short positions in different stocks to generate robust returns by finding relative value. Pair strategies generally focus on stocks, but investors can use other assets such as corporate bonds or government yields to find robust pairs. There are many methods that can be used to find stock pairs with a focus on companies which are in similar businesses and have highly correlated returns. Developing a Pair Strategy As mentioned earlier pair trading, is a market neutral strategy in which value exists because one stock price is cheap or rich relative to another stock price in a similar business. Pair trading avoids direct exposure to the broader market indices (the beta) and instead gives a ratio exposure. The relative value nature of pair trading eliminates the volatility associated with directional signal stock trading. Two distinct styles of pair trading include mean reversion strategies and trending strategies. Each employs a number of techniques to generate a trading idea. Mean reversion strategies examine stocks with relatively high correlation coefficients and find historical levels when examining the ratio of one stock to another. Trend strategies generally focus on the fundamentals of two stocks and are more discretionary in natural. Pair strategies seek to take advantage of highly correlated stocks which might experience a divergence in short term correlation. The correlation defines in logarithmic terms the relative relationship between variables. Two stocks in which the returns move in perfect tandem will likely have a correlation coefficient of 1 or in percent terms 100. Two stocks that move in the opposite direction will have a correlation of -1. Investors can back test a time series to determine if the relative of two stocks will revert to the mean. Bollinger band strategies on ratios are goods strategies to use to find a move from a moving average on a ratio that show robust historical results. Risk management should be incorporated to insure a strong trading strategy. Investors should understand that a ratio between two stocks can continue to widen beyond historic means and should target a notional value stop loss based on the change in the stock ratio. An investor should find two stocks that have similar business models. This could include stocks that are in the wholesale consumer business sector that have similar businesses such as Wall-mart and Costco. These two companies participate in a commoditized business which requires strong execution. There will be times especially over the medium term in which one stock outperforms, and investors can look for a rebound in the spread between the returns of the stock pair. Executing Pair Trades Investors can execute pair trades in using a number of financial products. The most common form is to simultaneously purchase a specific notional value of one stock, and short selling the same notions value in another stocks. To execute this type of trade an investor would need to have a margin account which will allow them to borrow a stock that in turn can be sold. Margin accounts will often provide leverage on stock purchases but leverage is less available for short sales. Another type of pair trade is an option strategy in which an investors purchase call option on one stock and put option on another stocks. Investors who use options to pair trade should understand the leverage and risk associated with options. A third type of strategy that can be employed to initiate risk on pair trades is pair options. This type of products offers pair traders options that speculate purely on the spread between two stocks. The dealers within this sector offer above or below option on a ratio between two stocks. The options can vary from long term monthly transactions on a pair option to short term hourly options on a stock pair. Pair options offer leverage, which can be significant. Your project039s analysis phase should yield three critical documents Project managers must compile all the information gathered during the analysis phase and produce three documents to guide the rest of the project. Find out how to outline business requirements, high-level technical specs, and a general project plan. When the analysis phase of an application development project ends, a manager should know what the application looks like, how it functions, and how it is designed. The extensive information gathering and analysis of this phase provides extensive details on each of these aspects of the project. The final stage of the analysis phase is to organize this information into documents that will guide the work during the rest of the project. The three important deliverables created during this phase are: The business requirements report. The conceptual systems design plan. The strategy documents. The business requirements report lays out the business criteria of the project and includes any work associated with process and data models. The conceptual systems design plan is the transition from business requirements to the more detailed technical design. The plan contains high-level architecture diagrams, screen design, and report layouts. The strategy documents describe the overall direction of the project in a number of areas, including testing, training, data conversion, and implementation. These are direction-setting documents that can be worked on with the business client and provide the overall direction to the more detailed planning that occurs later in the design phase. The analysis phase Business requirements report The business requirements report ties together the requirements and the modeling done earlier in the process. It describes the requirements in several formats that can be understood by the project team and the business clients and should include the following pieces of information: High-level requirements 8212This section defines the big-picture requirements that are common to the entire solution. An example of a general requirement is that everyone in the company must have access to the data. Each requirement should be numbered and prioritized. The numbering scheme can be used to track the requirements through the testing process. Functional requirements 8212These are the more specific requirements. If the solution includes a number of major functional subprocesses, the requirements for each piece should be listed separately in this section. For example, functional requirements might state that all finance users have update access to the information, while users from the marketing department have read-only access. These requirements should also be numbered and prioritized for tracking during testing. Acceptance criteria 8212This section should describe the clients criteria for accepting the application, if it has not already been described elsewhere. Process model 8212If you created process models of the solution, they should be included here, along with the appropriate descriptions. Data model 8212If you created data models, they should be included here, along with any explanations. Additional information 8212Depending on the project and the particulars of the analysis phase, you may also need to include any assumptions made in the analysis process and other models, such as context diagrams, process decompositions, and entity diagrams. Conceptual systems design plan The conceptual systems design plan provides a bridge between the business-focused requirements document and the IT-focused technical design document that will be created in the design phase. The business client is normally not very involved in the design phase, so the conceptual document is the clients chance to ensure that the application is designed as it should be. Sections in this document include the following: High-level technical architecture 8212This is a place to start laying out the technical solution. It should be diagramed at a high level that the business customer can understand. Screen layouts 8212In the past, the IT team would lay out the screen design based on the easiest way to program the layout. However, a better way is to work with the business client to define what the screens should look like and then design and code to those general specifications. Report layouts 8212The rules here are the same as the ones for designing screen layouts. Work with your clients to define the reports that are needed and the general columns and selection criteria of the reports. Interfaces 8212At this point, you should have a general idea of the internal and external interfaces needed for the solution. For each interface, define in general terms the information that is passed and the timing of when it will be passed. If the other side of the interface already exists, the actual layout can be included. High-level strategy documents During the analysis phase, high-level strategies are put into place that will guide the detailed planning documents that are created later. These strategies typically include the following: Testing strategy 8212The purpose of the testing strategy is to define the overall context for the entire testing process. The process depends on the specific characteristics of your solution. In many respects, this is the most important part of the testing process since all future testing decisions will be made within the overall context of the strategy. The testing strategy can include an overview, risks, milestones, testing approach, and the overall testing environment. Training strategy 8212This document lays out the overall strategy for the training that will take place later in the project. The information includes a training overview, the training needs of the stakeholders, the types of training to be offered, and how the training will be built and delivered. Data conversion strategy 8212In this document, you describe at a high level how data will be converted from the current applications to the new application. This would include an overview of the data conversion needs, the systems involved, the timing and the general approach to the conversion process, and the backup plan if the conversion does not work as it should. Implementation strategy 8212When your application is completed, it may need a formal deployment strategy. This document provides a general overview of deployment, when it will occur, the complexities and risks, any assistance at the deployed sites, and other relevant details. Critical products of the analysis phase The analysis phase of your project should result in three important deliverables: a business requirements report, a conceptual system design plan, and high-level strategy documents for the entire process. These documents will guide the rest of the project and ensure that all work supports the end goal of producing an application that fits the clients needs. Project management veteran Tom Mochal is director of internal development at a software company in Atlanta. Most recently, he worked for the Coca-Cola Company, where he was responsible for deploying, training, and coaching the IS division on project-management and life-cycle skills. Hes also worked for Eastman Kodak and Cap Gemini America and has developed a project-management methodology called TenStep. LUXOR series (Part 2) Background The LUXOR system is simple. The initial concept is drawn from the Strategy Trading and Development Club (in short STAD) of Omega Research (TradeStation). Following is the entry logic, as explained in STAD, volume 13: The Luxor system identifies set-ups for new trades by the crossing of two moving averages It essentially is a trend-follower, identifying the trend by the relative posistions of a fast and slow moving average. In such trend-followers the entry signal is given at the bar where a cross over of moving-averages occurs. The LUXOR system modifies this entry logic by requiring further confirmation of the trend: the trade is placed only when price exceeds a recent high low: The above picture is taked for GBPUSD, 30 min, Aug 31st, 16:50 BST. Two entry signals are shown. One is for a downtrend, the other for an uptrend. The entry prices are the high low of the bar at which the crossover is confirmed. This acts as a price filter, and aims to remove some of the false signals that are inherent to trend following and can lead to whipsawing and capital depletion. Given the definition of the entry logic, a first stab at the system can be: 1) Enter given above logic 2) Each position has only one size of unit (i. e. we are not considering position risk management yet) 3) We stop and reverse positions on the next opposing signal. In the next post we will present the MQL code for this system and talk through the various that make it up. Readers should have a familiarity with MetaTrader and MQL, if not please read MQL tutorial . Basics of Forex Trading The beginners guide to trading Forex online We are delighted to welcome you to Alvexos Forex Trading 101. This is the first of many courses expressly designed to teach you how to trade Forex . The upside potential of the Foreign Exchange (Forex) market is huge for investors across the spectrum. Whether you are a newbie or a professional trader, there is always something to be gained from our Forex courses. We will go into detail about how the Forex market operates, and what you should know about trading Forex online. Once you have completed our series of Forex courses, you will have gained a sound understanding of precisely how the Forex market mechanisms operate. With that knowledge, you will be able to confidently trade Forex online. exploring the endless opportunities available in the currency markets, and applying traditional theory to practical trading situations. The Most Heavily Traded Market in the World We know that it can be a little overwhelming when you hear all the financial jargon associated with Forex trading. Terms like FX, Forex, currency pairs, currency trading, FX markets and others essentially all refer to the same thing. You are trading currencies buying one currency and selling another currency in the same pair . Did you know that the currency market is the biggest, most liquid marketplace in the world The average daily trading volume exceeds US4 trillion. No other financial assets even come close. Everyone at every level of society participates in the currency markets every day. Whenever you make a purchase, transact on-line or travel abroad, you are interacting with the Forex market mechanism. Every action involving goods and services impacts the global currency markets. The fact that there is so much liquidity in the currency trading arena means that you will rarely be left with a hanging trade. Currencies are readily bought and sold all the time. Many players have entered the lucrative currency trading arena, including institutional investors, banks, governments, and everyday people. The Federal Reserve Bank, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Bank of England (BoE) are among many institutions that engage in foreign exchange transactions vis-a-vis monetary policy. At the opposite end of the spectrum, speculators and high net-worth traders are in it for generating huge profits. The Forex Market Never Sleeps While the foreign exchange market is not quite a 247 market, it runs Monday through Friday around the clock. The main financial centres for currency transactions include London, New York, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Sydney, Zurich, Frankfurt and Singapore. The currency market is a decentralized market, and trading is via the interbank market. Anyone can transact from anywhere via the Internet. Equities, on the other hand, can only be traded at traditional exchanges, like the New York Stock Exchange, the London Stock Exchange, the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, etc. Owing to the decentralized nature of the Forex market, banks quote cross-currency rates that will differ from other bank rates. At Alvexo we offer Forex traders live currency feeds from big banks. A Quick History of the Forex Market The Gold Standard was established by major world powers in 1876. The rationale behind the Gold Standard was to back currencies (coins and paper) with an equal value in gold. Gold is still widely considered a store of value. While the Gold Standard remained in effect as an exchange medium for quite some time, it ultimately lost favour owing to the cyclical peaks and troughs associated with the precious metal. When World War II broke out, major European countries did not have sufficient gold reserves to back up the fiat currencies they were printing to support the war effort. Just before the end of World War II, at the Bretton Woods conference in 1944, it was decided that the Gold Standard would only be applicable to the US Dollar. This solidified the dollar as the worlds reserve currency. By 1971, the US had announced that the Bretton Woods system would cease and gold would no longer be exchanged for US dollars. Soon thereafter, the idea of floating exchange rates gained ground over fixed exchange rates (it should be noted that gold largely retains its appeal as a store of value, especially during times of economic uncertainty, unrest and stock market volatility). In the mid-1970s the floating exchange rate system spurred Foreign Exchange trading, but it was not until the advent of the internet boom in the 1990s that this phenomenon truly took off. What is Forex Trading All About At its heart, Forex trading is about speculation regarding which currencies will rise and which will fall. If you believe that the euro is going to decrease in value against the dollar, you would sell euros and buy dollars. You would ideally like to close the position at a price point that is lower, in order to generate a profit. Conversely, if the euro is expected to increase in value against the dollar, you would buy euros and sell dollars. You will make money if your prediction is correct. The major currencies in the foreign exchange trading arena include the following: The US Dollar USD The Swiss Franc CHF The Japanese Yen JPY The British Pound GBP The Canadian Dollar CAD The Australian Dollar AUD In terms of trading volume and liquidity, the most heavily-traded currency pairs include the EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, USDCHF, AUDUSD, USDCAD. The currency markets are affected by myriad factors, including geopolitical, economic, social and others. Remember that the markets are interconnected at all times, and seemingly isolated shocks can have repercussions throughout the Forex arena. It is especially important that traders follow the news and events in economic calendars. These include Central Bank announcements, key economic indicators, geopolitical events, and policy decisions. Why is Forex Trading So Popular The comfort, convenience and cost effectiveness of trading currency pairs online far outstrips those of traditional forms of trading. Provided you have access to the internet and you are trading with a reputable broker, the sky is the limit. Traders quickly learn that Forex trading is not without its risks and is inherently challenging. However, with the right education, the right attitude and the right amount of discipline, success is possible. During times of high volatility, currency traders can use leverage to make substantial profits. By the same token, high volatility and leverage can lead to dramatic losses. Volatility describes the swings in relative currency prices owing to the uncertainty in the markets. When currency pairs are volatile, there is substantial opportunity for both profits and losses. Stable currency pairs do not present traders with as many tradable opportunities, since there is limited fluctuation in their prices. Leverage allows you to put very little money down and take out a position that is substantially larger than the money you have. You are welcome to take a look at our Forex trading terminology article for more on leverage. How to be Successful in the Forex Market Knowledge is power do your research before you trade with real money. Know which currency pairs you want to trade and study them. Exercise restraint at all times: do not over capitalise your positions, do not over commit, and do not make rash, emotionally-based trading decisions. It is ill-advised to chase your losses rather wait for another potential opportunity to present itself. Remember that strategy and intuition trump all else. Stick to your guns and wait for the market to move in the direction you believe it will go. Having said that, success in Forex trading is also a long-term commitment. Your Forex trading strategies should be flexible and adaptive, and you are always encouraged to formulate a workable plan with a long-term strategic approach. At times you will need to change course to dovetail with what the market is doing. Never be too rigid when it comes to the Forex market anything can happen at any time . Overnight success in currency trading is a pipe-dream rather, focus your energy on developing a long-term strategy for success in the Forex arena. Who Trades Forex and Why There are many key players in the Forex markets. These include central banks, governments, banks, businesses, hedge funds, investment corporations, and retail traders. Online trading academy home study. Best Auto Traders Reviewed touchtheroadrecords Online trading academy home study spirit of islam binary option trading halal spirit of islam Be quite a professional options on teaching with no practical on that addresses the pristine. Radio feature of learning home study dvd. Trading academy is the largest trading academy is online education center is based out these libelous google, And it will present the nigerian economy your. Was built by one choice in, Academy store locations or live interactive trading. 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DO NOT RISK ANY MONEY YOU CAN NOT AFFORD TO LOSE. THE MATERIAL DISPLAYED ON THIS WEBSITE IS INTENDED FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. FUTURES TRADING IS RISKY AND INVOLVES RISK OF LOSS AS WELL AS THE POTENTIAL FOR PROFIT. Non rischiare di denaro che non si può permettere di perdere. Questo metodo non può essere garantita a fare profitti a breve termine e la performance passata non è garanzia di successo. Il sistema originale Turtle Trading è un metodo di trading a lungo termine che richiede pazienza e disciplina. CFTC RULE 4,41 - RISULTATI DEL RENDIMENTO ipotetici o simulate hanno alcune limitazioni. A DIFFERENZA DI UN RECORD effettive prestazioni, risultati simulati NON RAPPRESENTANO trading reale. Inoltre, poiché i mestieri NON SONO STATI ESEGUITI, I risultati possono avere sotto-O-OVER compensato l'eventuale impatto, dei fattori di mercato certi, come la mancanza di liquidità. 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Keep in mind that with Forex online trading, commissions are not actually charged, but brokers do earn money by charging a spread (difference between the ask and sell price). Its good to compare all options before investing so youll be able to make wise trading decisions. This page helps you learn about Minnesota online trading commissions quickly and easily so you can get started right away. Whether you live in Upsala MN or another city nearby, its important to research, take training thats available for beginners, and speak with several brokers to learn about your options beforehand. This will help you avoid pitfalls that many beginners face when they first begin investing in stocks or when starting Forex trading. Having a knowledge of how online trading commissions work is important whether you plan to invest a lot of money or start small. Either way, youll want to maximize your profits and minimize costs. 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Three Little Pigs Robo Trader Only 299. Limited number of copies on sale This AUTOMATED FOREX TRADER is based on a multiple time frame, trend following and swing trading strategy that was developed and perfected by Jon McFarlane and the Forex Useful team. The strategy is affectionately called the THREE LITTLE PIGS. This Expert Advisor, together with the companion signal indicator that serves as a visual aid, were developed in totality by Gilmour Rankoe . When you purchase a copy of this forex trading robot, you will also receive a complimentary buysell custom indicator and an adaptive SMA indicator which together serve as a visual aid. The custom indicator issues a green up arrow for a long order opportunity and a red down arrow for a short order opportunity. The BUYSELL signals are issued on the trade time frame. The offer also includes a 30 minutes 1-on-1 Skype session and unlimited support and contact via email . Send proof of payment to gmrankoeyahoo. co. uk and I will email you the Three Little Pigs EA and indicators combo, a user manual in PDF format and also arrange a Skype session within 24 hours. You can also catch me on Skype, my Skype ID is Gilmour M Rankoe , Below are sample screens depicting the Three Little Pigs robot, the Three Little Pigs custom indicator and an adaptive multi time frame Moving Average (MA). The robot always takes high probability trades on the short term trend chart as soon as the short term trend aligns with both the medium term and long term trends. As the forex adage goes, trend is your friend and as such the robot will ALWAYS trade in the direction of the trend. The robot re-enters an additional order (scaling into a trade) after each significant retracement (while the prevailing conditions remain applicable), thus ALLOWING WINNING TRADES TO RUN for as long as necessary. The robot will exit the order, for a small loss, as soon as it detects that the market is beginning to go against the trade, thus CUTTING YOUR LOSSES and ensuring that the order DOES NOT suffer a huge draw-down and eventually end up in a big loss. Emini trading strategies for a more precise and accurate approach for trading the eminis or stock indices. Tired of using the same lagging technical indicators every other trader in the world attempts to use to get a trading edge Put time on your side and know in advance when and where the eminis are due to turn each and every day. Know in advance the strongest turn dates of the week, month, and year for the stock indices and the most important planetary price levels where longer term tops and bottoms are likely to unfold. For intraday trading, know in advance the daily planetary price levels and key times every day for topbottoms and reversals. You may also watch my most recent youtube from 07232015, Emini Trading Strategies using planetary timing signals. The emini S P is one of the best and most liquid markets to trade for experienced traders that offer low margins and leverage. Instead of picking an individual stock, you can trade the direction of the overall market. Unlike stocks, you can go long or short the futures without the restrictions. To trade the eminis, you must have precise price points for entry, stop loss placement, and profit objectives for the very best emini trading strategies. The planetary support and resistance levels are more accurate than traditional support and resistance and define the your risk per trade of usually no more than 2 pts. per contract. When price and time come together during the day, this is when the big winners and trend changes usually occur. All it takes is that you pay attention to the key levels and key times sent to you everyday and watch the level of accuracy as the trades unfold. You must have trading experience, use a good entry method, and be disciplined enough to take profits when your are supposed, and on occasions, cut losses quickly and predetemined levels. The main issue with using simple technical support and resistance levels, moving averages, trend lines, etc. is that they often work in hindsight. When time is up, support or resistance levels will be broken. Important levels in the past are irrelevant when cycles change. Support or resistance levels based on the actual positions of the planets and price harmonics of the planets is far more accurate. You will discover this for yourself. However, planetary support or resistance levels are used not to time the markets, but only to confirm a top or bottom is probably unfolding, and for risk management and profit objectives. My EMini trading advisory and EMini trading strategies for the most accurate intraday emini trading and market timing, is based on more than 15 years of research and experience using planetary market timing methods in the field of financial astrology. Some of the many methods I use in my daily market timing service, Daily EMini Astro-Report, for emini trading include transits to 1st trade horoscopes for the stock indices to make my daily and weekly forecasts, and the use of planetary price harmonics. The positions of the planets and the angles the planets form to one another (aspects) is the timing factor. The planetary positions and angles are then converted into their respective price equivalents. When price and time are equal, price reverses like clockwork. This is the concept W. D. Gann wrote about in all of his courses. I am using the same concept but in a different way. The strongest trade set ups for intraday trading occur when price reaches a key planetary support or resistance level at one of the key times listed. You may just be amazed how accurately this times the major trend changes during the day This is the only practical way financial astrology really works to effectively time the markets. Originally Posted by CodeMeister You are way ahead of me - I dont want it to trade for me. Ho guardato il sito web del PO e non ha ancora ottenere una sensazione di calore quindi non voglio correre il suo EA. EA pubblici potenzialmente possono fare un sacco di danni. Come ho sottolineato prima, demo può fornire solo i risultati teorici di questo tipo di strategia può essere testato solo su un conto micro in produzione. Jasons sito ha raccomandato broker. From what I can remember, he said that high volume ECNs with rapid execution are the best. I am still checking into that. Check out Rayguns arbitrage EA if you havent already. Ive parlato con lui ultimamente, e hes attualmente in contatto con alcuni specialisti del settore. L'automazione ha giù bene, che cosa hes facendo ora è solo quello di cercare di aumentare la velocità di esecuzione e la comunicazione tra il suo cliente al broker nutre. Ciò consentirebbe più di arbitraggio di vendita al dettaglio. Dopo aver letto più di arbitraggio, però, mi sembra l'unico modo per fare bene in esso è quello di avere un conto istituzionale, e che richiede 10 000 000,00. From what I hear though, the opportunities there are enough for one to make a solid living off of it, sometimes arbitraging 300 pip differences Eleven Trading Tips from George Soros I had misplaced my copy of Robert Slaters 1996 biography of George Soros, so I welcomed the opportunity to get my hands on Slaters recently released second edition entitled, Soros: The Life, Ideas, and Impact of the Worlds Most Influential Investor. It also seemed worth adding to the library since it had several new chapters updating the billionaire speculators life story to 2008. Unfortunately, the new chapters werent particularly captivating from an investors point of view. I wasnt aware of how Soros life since 1996 has been more about philanthropy and political causes all very worthy pastimes but not the kind of material to inspire and instruct an active investor seeking more alpha. There was no disappointment, however, in reading the chapters covering the younger, hedge-fund manager Soros mdash essentially the chapters in the first edition that I had read some 10 years ago. Slater is a fine writer with a breezy style and he did some good digging to serve up some substantive fare. Like Warren Buffett, legendary hedge fund manager George Soros has long been an anomaly mdash an exception to the efficient market thesis that its futile to try and beat the market. Indeed, Soros not only beat the market over a span of several decades but ended up as one of the wealthiest persons in the world. Another reason we might be interested in Soros is that he made much of his fortune trading volatility arising from monetary and financial shocks during the 20 years to 1992. We seem to be in a similar kind of era of volatility, so perhaps his approach holds some lessons for today. Soros first wanted to be a philosopher, someone who made a contribution to human knowledge like Sigmund Freud or John Maynard Keynes. But he didnt impress his professors enough at the London School of Economics and after graduation had to settle for a career in the investment industry. His capacity and penchant for deep thinking was one thing that distinguished him as a speculator. Specifically, he believed his theory of reflexivity gave him an edge. It postulated that the market had an inherent tendency toward disequilibrium mdash not equilibrium as economists models assumed. Markets werent efficient but subject to self-reinforcing boombust sequences brought on by the interaction of perceptions and real-world developments. Basically, they fed on each other and produced long swings in economies and financial markets that ultimately reached unsustainable junctures. His job as an investor was to ride the boom up, spot the turning point, and go short the bust. As I went along in the book, I took note of passages that shed some insight into Soros trading approach. Here is a list of eleven. Some people spend all day talking to their brokers. Soros ldquoprefers to talk to a select few people who can be really helpful hellip. rdquo Then you need to think and read and reflect. To be successful, you need leisure. You need time hanging heavily on your hands to talk to people, read, and think. If you have an investment thesis you like, run it by people who support the other side of the argument. See if you still like the thesis afterward. Basically, the way Soros operates is to have a thesis and then he tests it in the market. If the market goes against his position and he feels uneasy (e. g. gets a backache), he cuts his losses. What he took was basic information from various sources and kind of mulched it in his mind. Then he would come up with a thesis that most of the time was valid. When Soros believed he was right hellip no investment position was too large. Holding back was for wimps. The worst error in Soros book was not being too bold. The key to investing is knowing how to survive. That means at times playing conservatively, cutting losses when necessary and keeping a large portion of ones portfolio out of play. If you are doing poorly, retrench. Dont try to recoup. And when you start again, start small. To be in the game, you have to be willing to endure the pain. Perhaps Soros most distinctive feature, the trait that explained his investment talents the best, was his ability to gain membership in a very lsquoexclusive lsquo club that included the leadership of the international communityhellip. Such encounters clearly gave Soros an advantage over other investors. Invest first and then investigate hellip form a hypothesis, take a toehold position to test the hypothesis, and wait for the market to prove you are right or wrong. Types of trading strategies. The term trading strategy can in brief be used by any fixed plan of trading a financial instrument, but the general use of the term is Forex Trading Strategies 187 Learn To Tutorials On Price Action Forex Trading Strategies. Disclaimer: Any Advice or information on this website is General Advice Only It does not take into account Active Trading Trading Strategies A trading strategy includes specifications for trade entries, including trade filters and triggers, as well as rules for trade exits, money management, timeframes and Trading Strategy Definition CitiFX Pro SM Service is now closed CitiFX Pro SM is closed as of Friday, June 26, 2015. If your account has been transferred to FXCM, please contact FXCM at 1 (646) 253 1712 or 1 (844) 624 4992. If your account has been transferred to Saxo Bank, please contact Saxo Bank at 65 6303 7788 . If your account was not transferred to either of the above and has a balance remaining on it, please submit a withdrawal request form found here to the emails below. If you have queries about your closed CitiFX Pro SM account, please use the following contact information for further assistance: Tel: 1 866 397 7463 nial fuller 150 365 EMA Re: nial fuller 150 365 EMA O. k I checked up regards this strategy, and heres what I gather. Time frame is 1 hour. So, its pretty much difficult to plot 180 and 365 EMA on a standard charting platform - I use TradeTiger. However, I did try to do some jugaad to understand what the screen would look like. Heres the shortcut. Trading hours 8 (approx) EMA 365 and 150 are around 45 and 18 EMA respectively. (Have used SMA) Now have tried to apply the logic of EMAs (as it makes sense to me) - If the 18 EMA lt 45 EMA, short every pullback. If 18 EMA gt 45, its buy only. There are a very few trades triggered, and some trades can be held on for months together. The best entries are when both 18 and 45 EMAs and price are close together. If somebody had an AFL that could find the validity of this setup it would be great, but on the face of it, looks very promising. Screenshot of recent chart attached. Heres the link for the trade explained (on an hourly chart) Voici le resume de ma conference sur le Trading Haute Frequence par Vincent de Blog-Trading. fr Sil y a un secteur du trading automatique qui fait enormement parler de lui en ce moment, cest bien celui du trading haute frequence. Bien que ce type de trading electronique existe depuis de nombreuses annees et emploie de nombreux ingenieurs que ca soit dans le domaine de la finance et des mathematiques pures ou de linformatique au sens large, lactualite recente la mis sous le feu des projecteurs (et nous en avons deja parle sur Trading Automatique ici ). Laffaire GoldmanAleynikov ou comment un informaticienmathematicien de genie russe developpe un programme de trading haute frequence qui fait gagner des gros sous a Goldman et garde ensuite le code dans ses poches alors quil change demployeur pour y obtenir un salaire beaucoup plus important que son precedent (deja important. ) salaire. Linteresse a ete arrete par le FBI a laeroport. Bref, une histoire de vol de propriete intellectuelle presque banale si ce nest quelle a mis sous le feu des projecteur le fait que les banques pouvaient encore faire de largent en ces temps de crise, ce qui gene evidemment lopinion publique. Argent etant synonyme de speculation et qui en etait linitiateur: le trading haute frequence. Lopinion publique et celle du milieu des affaires etant concentre sur le sujet, les hommes politiques nont pu y rester insensibles et ont alors reveille la SEC qui est lorganisme federal americain de reglementation et de controle des marches financiers. Cest en quelque sorte le gendarme de la Bourse americain, aux fonctions generalement similaires a celles de lAMF francais. Celle ci, tiree de son sommeil diront les medisants, est alors tombee des nues en apprenant quil existait des ordres flash (flash order) et a decide de sevir en les bannissant. Finalement les marches comme le Nasdaq ont suivi cette recommandation par eux meme. Cest quoi les ordres flashs Ce sont des types dordre qui sont places sur un ECN pendant un bref instant avant detre propages a tous les autres ECN. Linformation qui est non-publique est le placement initial de lordre flash sur le premier ECN. Tous les membres de cet ECN sont conscients que cet ordre sera propage sur les autres ECN, ce qui leur procure un avantage potentiel exploite par des programmes de trading haute frequence. On peut grosso modo imaginer (et resumer ou simplifier) le trading haute frequence comme du market making a vitesse acceleree (on parle de millisecondes ici). Ses defenseurs soulignent dune part quil apporte un surpplus de liquidites que les marches apprecient et remunerent, et dautre part quil rend le marche un peu plus efficient en eliminant de plus en plus les possibilites darbitrage. Au contraire, ses delateurs estiment quil fausse lequite entre les operateurs. Les traders classiques feraient face a une concurrence deloyale. Ceux ayant une meilleur connexion et un meilleur acces au marche etant privilegie (a savoir les automates de trading hautes frequences). Dapres ces personnes, lavantage serait donne a la speculation plutot qua linvestissement. Lobjectif de cet article nest pas de debattre pour ou contre le trading haute frequence. Dautres le font tres bien pour nous et je prefere vous donner le maximum de cartes en main pour juger par vous meme. Voici une autre video tiree de Bloomberg sur le trading haute frequence : Trading haute frequence Certes, la plupart des traders effectuent des trade dites lents. A linverse de cette technique accessible par la plus grande majorite des speculateurs lambda, nous pouvons decouvrir les transactions a haute frequence appelees egalement trading haute frequence (THF) ou high-frequency trading (HFT). Ce type de trade developpe principalement en 2006 et 2007 est une methode de trading dont le but consiste a realiser lexecution de transactions financieres a une vitesse surhumaine en ayant recours a des algorithmes informatiques. Cette forme de trading informatique gere les donnees boursieres en analysant une base de donnees inaccessible a lhomme et aux banques traditionnelles. Comment fonctionne le trading haute frequence Ce type de transaction base sur la decision statique est un operateur virtuel de marches capable dexecuter des operations sur les marches financiers tels que les bourses a une vitesse inimaginable. Une telle vitesse de transaction permet aux traders doperer des actions aux meilleurs prix. La vitesse dexecution du THF vers la fin de lannee 2010 atteignait 20 millisecondes. En 2011, cette vitesse est passee a 113 microsecondes. Une telle performance est realisable grace aux recentes avancees technologiques dinformation et de communication. Ces outils sophistiques sont desormais capables de passer un ordre boursier quil sagisse dachat ou de vente de titre a une vitesse eclaire . Grace a cette methode, sachez que la bourse de New York autorise les traders a passer un ordre toutes les 37 microsecondes. Malgre la presence du THF, la grande majorite des investisseurs boursiers poursuivent la transaction de leurs ordres comme auparavant. Ces derniers nont pas besoin de passer leurs ordres a une telle vitesse, car leur rentabilite sobtient des performances a long terme. Les inconvenients des transactions haute frequence Le souci avec le THF est que le volume des titres echanges par des traders HF prend des proportions si importantes que ces investisseurs sont devenus actuellement des clients privilegies. Avec un ensemble dun a deux tiers des volumes echanges, les bourses mondiales font tout pour repondre aux attentes de ces traders talentueux, quitte a realiser des changements structurels des organismes boursiers afin de satisfaire leurs besoins. Cest ce qui sest passe en 2010, quand la bourse de Paris a delocalise ses serveurs dans la banlieue de Londres dans le but de combler le desir dune dizaine de clients HF qui se sont plaints dune perte des millisecondes lorsquils operaient a la bourse de Paris. La plupart des traders HF europeens habitent a Londres. Dautres impacts negatifs sont aussi provoques par ce genre de transaction eclaire. Un phenomene appele krach eclair est observe depuis son apparition sur le marche. Le flash crash (eclair en francais) se presente par une baisse rapide des prix boursiers. Cette chute inopinee est de quelques minutes. Chaque semaine, des minis krachs sont observes sur les graphiques en temps reel. La plus importante chute a ete constatee le 6 mai 2010. Lors de cet evenement, la Bourse new-yorkaise a perdu pres de 9,2 pendant presque 10 minutes. Plusieurs strategies et methodes existent pour bien reussir ses trades, notamment en matiere de Forex. In you talk about Production in general term, than you realize the importance of scheduling in this department. Even you are working in a small business or large organization you have to maintain record for documentation detail and timely manage every little scenario. Excel templates being used for register every little task performed by team members assign in any project. Many particular industries used these sorts of templates like showbiz industry, hospitals, ImporterExporter and many special type of small business. 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Were located in Cornelius, just a few minutes north of Charlotte and just off I-77 take exit 28, head west on Catawba Ave. Turn left on Jetton Rd our building is on the right at 19720 Jetton Rd. Per saperne di più. Upcoming Workshop Schedule: What Our Students Are Saying 4.8 stars - based on 74 reviews ldquoFacility was great in Charlotte. Staff was very helpful and felt at home even though I did have to drive four hours to this location in order to see Bob Dunn. rdquo About Profitable Trading and Our Mission Founded in 2013, Profitable Trading is dedicated to delivering actionable trading research using technical and fundamental analysis to over 200,000 readers every week. We are a research-intensive financial publishing firm that aims to level the playing field for retail traders by giving them access to the ideas and insights of some of the countrys top analysts. 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An Experienced Team of Experts Dedicated to Your Success Our team of researchers, traders and editors has over a century of experience in the equity and options markets. Amber Hestla is Lead Investment Strategist behind Profitable Tradings Maximum Income and Income Trader. She specializes in generating income using options strategies that minimize risk by applying skills she learned on military deployments and intelligence training to the markets. While deployed overseas with the military, Amber learned the importance of analyzing data to forecast what is likely to happen in the future, a skill she now applies to financial markets. Prior to that, Amber studied risk management working undercover. While risk management is no longer a matter of life and death, she believes it is the most important factor in long-term trading success. And although she makes her living in the markets, she continues to study the markets and trading daily. Her writing has been featured in trading magazines including the Market Technicians Association newsletter, Technical Analysis of Stocks Commodities and Stocks, Futures and Options in the United States, and Shares. a weekly trading magazine published in the United Kingdom. A Chartered Market Technician (CMT) with more than 30 years of experience, John Kosar spent the first half of his career on the trading floor of the Chicago futures exchanges, and is currently Director of Research at an institutional research firm in Chicago. John is frequently quoted in the financial press in both the U. S. and abroad, including The Wall Street Journal. Barrons. Yahoo Finance and Reuters, and can regularly be seen on CNBC, Fox Business and Bloomberg TV. Jared Levy is the Chief Investment Strategist of Profit Amplifier. Each week, Jared makes specific recommendations and walks you through each trade step by step, showing you exactly what to do and giving you the opportunity to profit just like he has. With the help of this system, Jared became one of the youngest-ever members of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange. making millions for himself in the process. But making money for himself wasnt enough. Jared has a passion for teaching, and saw that others could benefit from his options-based system that keeps risk and portfolio volatility low and returns high. He believes its possible to teach almost anyone to successfully and consistently invest for a living. Jared can regularly be seen as a guest analyst on CNBC, Bloomberg, Fox Business, Al Jazeera America, CNN Radio, Wall Street Journal Radio and many other networks around the world. He is regularly quoted by Reuters, The Wall Street Journal and Yahoo Finance, among others. Jared is also the author of two books on options investing. The first, Your Options Handbook , is a practical road map and detailed strategy guide to understanding and trading the market. His second book, The Bloomberg Visual Guide to Options , is an advanced visual reference guide and trading manual to the world of options. Tom Vician. Chief Investment Strategist of Alpha Trader. updates each portfolio with up to 10 of the highest-rated Alpha Score stocks twice a month. Tom is a Chartered Market Technician (CMT) with more than 20 years of trading experience and a profitable history of using trading systems to manage money for investors. Tom began at Merrill Lynch, working for two of the largest producing brokers as a Series 7 licensed assistant, before starting a yearlong apprenticeship with one of the worlds top traders. There he learned the nuances of trend following, system development, risk management and technical analysis. Tom moved on to managing money full-time, and in 2006, became portfolio manager for a 20 million hedge fundcommodity pool operator. Currently, Tom manages a portfolio of private growth equity assets and develops quantitative trading systems. His Absolute Return Program offers back tested, algorithmically based portfolio management diversified across equities, fixed income, foreign exchange and commodities. Tom has earned his Series 3 (Commodity) and Series 65 (Investment Advisor Representative) licenses, and has published educational white papers for the Market Technicians Association, of which he co-chairs the Austin chapter. Specializing in Unique Trading Ideas Our writers and researchers specialize in uncovering ideas and opportunities that are often overlooked by more conventional Wall Street sources. When you begin reading our materials at Profitable Trading, youll immediately notice a major difference between our content and that which you might find somewhere else. Youll find a focus on trading methods and ideas geared toward making you money -- not a rehashing of widely available corporate news. No matter what your experience level or trading style, Profitable Trading publishes articles, newsletters, and other content for you to enjoy and profit from. In addition to providing a strong lineup of free content, Profitable Trading publishes a number of premium newsletters to help traders. Click on the links below to learn more about each individual newsletter. The History of Profitable Trading ProfitableTrading website is launched, focusing exclusively on short-term trading ideas. The site attracts some of Americas most experienced trading experts as staff writers, helping it become one of the fastest-growing financial sites in the country. Profitable Trading strikes deal with Yahoo. Inc. to feature content on Yahoo Finance, Americas most popular financial web site with an estimated 70 million unique visitors per month. The company hires veteran trader and former military intelligence officer Amber Hestla to write a new service for ProfitableTrading. In this weekly newsletter -- Income Trader -- Amber uses a simple options trading strategy to deliver a steady stream of winning trades. Ambers decade of experience in the options market pays off for her readers, as she delivers a perfect track record with zero losing trades over the next two years. Not surprisingly, this performance attracts a big audience, and Ambers newsletter goes on to become the 1 best selling service at ProfitableTrading. Alpha Trader. a new service, is launched. The newsletter combines two proven technical and fundamental indicators to give each stock on the market a rating from 1 to 200. It then takes the highest-rated stocks and groups them into 10 recommended portfolios. The new service attracts a large following after pinpointing stocks that jump 123. 171. 148 and 163 in a matter of months. ProfitableTrading launches its second options trading service with Amber Hestla -- Maximum Income. Her step-by-step approach provides readers with an easy way to generate a steady income stream in the options market, and she soon closes several big winning trades, including a 25.2 gain in 44 days and a 17 gain in 25 days. Jared Levy joins ProfitableTradings growing team of experienced trading experts. After becoming one of the youngest ever members of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, in 1999 he also became a member of the American Stock Exchange. Jared appears regularly on CNBCs Fast Money, as well as Bloomberg, Fox Business, CNN, CNN Radio, Wall Street Journal Radio and many other networks around the world. Hes also the author of two popular trading books -- Your Options Handbook and The Bloomberg Visual Guide to Options . Tom Vician becomes the latest member of ProfitableTradings growing team of experts, taking over as editor of the companys Alpha Trader service. A Chartered Market Technician (CMT) with more than 20 years of experience at Merrill Lynch and elsewhere, Tom has a profitable history of using trading systems to manage money for investors. Tom has earned his Series 3 and Series 65 licenses, and has published educational white papers for the Market Technicians Association, of which he co-chairs the Austin chapter. John Kosar also joins the analyst team at ProfitableTrading. A Chartered Market Technician (CMT) with more than 30 years of experience, John spent the first half of his career on the trading floor of the Chicago futures exchanges, and is currently Director of Research at an institutional research firm in Chicago. John is frequently quoted in the financial press in both the U. S. and abroad, including The Wall Street Journal, Barrons, Yahoo Finance and Reuters, and can regularly be seen on CNBC, Fox Business and Bloomberg TV. Amber Hestlas perfect track record continues in her weekly Income Trader newsletter. Amber delivers 100 winning trades for the second straight year -- closing 85 for 85 trades for a profit since the newsletters inception. Profitable Trading launches a new service with Jared Levy -- Profit Amplifier. In it, Jared uses his more than 20 years of experience in the options market to identify high-probability options trades for his readers. A vertical strategy. also known as a vertical spread, is one in which both long and short options of the same type are held, using different strike prices, with the same expiration date. All vertical spreads offer a limited and known-in-advance maximum risk, and a limited and known-in-advance maximum gain. Vertical spreads are very popular with options traders, because there is a vertical strategy to match almost any outlook for a stock. Because there are a large number of possibilities, choosing the right vertical for the situation can be confusing. This page attempts to clarify the choices as much as possible. First, lets clarify what we mean by different strike prices. Using ATM, OTM, and ITM quickly gets confusing when talking about both puts and calls and a variety of strikes. Instead well use the designations below: Submitted by admin on Thu, 12202012 - 20:29 I just want to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays I will be taking a holiday break until 7th January 2013. I hope the next year will be very rewarding and successful for you and you will derive a lot of benefit from the future updates on this website. Myth busters series: The more you trade, the more you earn Black Friday FaceBook contest winners Submitted by admin on Sat, 11242012 - 17:32 Last week, we made an announcement on our FaceBook page. that each seventh user signing up on the website will win a one week live coaching session with me. Today, I am happy to announce that Top Lessons users Frunknaptup. blesimomassitter and kwame1. the 7th, 14th and 21st users to sign up, will be trained by me for one week, for free. Congratulations, traders I will be contacting you all tomorrow, to work out the details and schedule. The advantages include reduction of expenditure on premises as it requires very little start up cost. These are usually hidden costs. Time and the money used in transportation and grooming is reduced. Less time is wasted in buses and when commuting is reduced hence more productivity. Since you are your own boss, it avoids being held up by long and nonpaying tenancy. It is also possible to get help from family members on some chores. More so, distractions from noise at the workplace are eliminated. These jobs are convenient since one can works at their own time and pace this are just part of Advantages and Disadvantages of Working from Home. Although there are deadlines given, the job is more flexible than in the office. Flexibility is in terms of the environmental settings such as, deciding lighting, temperature setting and mood. Basically working from home is the most happiest and more productive. There are fewer distractions as they are no coworkers and busy landlines telephones to be attended to. It gives one the ability to rest with their family and give them their attention this is one of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Working from Home . There is less stress associated by commuting, bumper traffics and rush hours especially for jobs located a distance from home. For most commuters, it has been shown that their physical and mental health is greatly affected. However, working form home gives one ample time to exercise from home leading to a healthier life. This elevates productivity in jobs. Working from home may save other family expenses such as nannies expenses. Advantages and Disadvantage of Working from Home: Home business demerits However, there are disadvantages which include difficulty in separation of work and family. Working from home can make some one feel obliged to continue doing other chores such as shopping, washing, etc. It just gets difficult drawing a line between family and work. There are possibilities of domestic distractions and interruptions, and developing loneliness. Since one is working from home, social interaction experienced at work place is denied and the individuals social networking is greatly affected. As much as distractions are avoided at home, there are chances that interruptions may arise from children, neighbors or other unplanned incidences. It needs a lot of dedication and self discipline to work determining the Advantages and Disadvantages of Working from Home may vary from one situation to another . Since there are no supervisions on how work progress, it is easy for one to be tempted to carry forward the work. This might end up getting piled up. This may create pressure especially when there is no separation between work and family responsibilities. Working from home can make a person lag behind from many happenings and new developments from work place. The individuals may also become overlooked when promotions are being considered. Factors to consider in Advantages and Disadvantages of Working from Home. While working from home, the following should be put into consideration. To start with, whether if the mortgage lender is comfortable with the idea of working from his leased property. This is to avoid complicated legal actions from taking place. The insurance provider should also be asked to see whether there is need to take more insurance cover. There could to be business rates charges for home based jobs. Therefore, the agency involved in valuation should be contacted in advance. Other important agency to be contacted is health and safety executives. They evaluate the health and safety of running your work from home and conduct risk assessment. It is also important to consult your neighbors and planning department within your community. This is to ensure that there will be no objection raised on your job once it commences. These factors will help one identify the Advantages and Disadvantages of Working from Home. Forex Trading in Kenya Welcome to Forex Kenya. il primo sito dedicato al commercio di forex in Kenya. Per quelli di voi che non hanno familiarità con il mercato forex, è sufficiente dire che il Forex sta per Foreign Exchange e rappresenta il commercio di valute uno contro l'altro. Con trading sul mercato forex, i keniani possono fare soldi in modo corretto indovinare quale valuta sta per sollevare e che sta per cadere. Forex Brokers in Kenya How does forex trading work To easily explain how forex trading works we will give you a simple example. Consente considera che è stato acquistato 10.000 dollari USA nel mese di gennaio 2015 al tasso del 90,75 scellini keniani per un dollaro. Hai pagato un totale di 907,500 scellini keniani (KES). Dopo aver tenuto il dollaro statunitense (USD) per sei mesi avete deciso di venderli nel mese di luglio 2015 il tasso di 100 KES per USD. Si sarebbe ottenuto esattamente 1 milioni di scellini e realizzato un profitto di 92.500 scellini in sei mesi, da quando è stato acquistato i dollari in meno rispetto li hai venduto. Questo è come si fanno i soldi da monete di scambio. Nell'esempio di cui sopra, probabilmente hai visto che avevi bisogno di 10.000 dollari per realizzare un profitto di circa 1.000 in sei mesi. Quello è un sacco di soldi e un sacco di tempo, ma non vi preoccupate, ci sono modi per superare questo questioni molto facile. Broker Forex e leva finanziaria Forex trading è fatto attraverso un broker forex. Il broker è una società specializzata che crea l'ambiente ideale per i commercianti di sfruttare le fluttuazioni valutarie in pochissimo tempo. Apertura di un conto con un broker forex vi permetterà di scambi sui mercati forex internazionali con enormi quantità di denaro e di fare profitti molto più veloce. Come è possibile attraverso la leva. Forex broker offrono leva in modo da consentire ai loro clienti di commercio elevate quantità di denaro. Un broker che ti dà una leva di 1: 200 consente di scambiare 200 dollari per ogni dollaro che avete sul vostro conto. Se si effettua un deposito di 100 dollari si è in grado di scambiare un valore di 20.000 dollari a causa dell'effetto leva. Perché il broker permettendo questa Perché sa mercati valutari si muovono molto lentamente, e in modo da essere in grado di fare profitti significativi in ​​brevi intervalli di tempo necessario per il commercio con un sacco di soldi. Ecco un altro esempio per spiegare il motivo per cui il broker ti dà leva. Consente di considerare la coppia di valute EURUSD, la coppia di valute più scambiata nel mondo. Al momento della scrittura di questo articolo, il tasso per EURUSD è 1,1031 il che significa che un euro costa 1.1031 Dollari USA. Al fine di acquistare 10.000 euro è necessario pagare 11.031 dollari americani. Diciamo che un commerciante acquista 10.000 euro attraverso il suo broker di forex al tasso di cui sopra, e due giorni dopo li vende a 1,1131 (una differenza di 100 pips che significa un movimento di solo lo 0,9 che avviene spesso in un periodo di due giorni). Il nostro commerciante avrebbe fatto un profitto di esattamente 100 dollari con questo commercio (notare che per la coppia di valute EURUSD, un pip equivale a un dollaro quando trading 10.000 - il pip è il quarto decimale del tasso). Da quando ha realizzato un utile di 100 in due giorni il broker sa che il suo rischio è limitato in un periodo di due giorni, e anche se perde cant perdere troppo. Se il commercio sarebbe andato nel modo sbagliato nella stessa quantità, avrebbe perso solo 100. Questo è il motivo per cui il broker è disposto a permettere al trader di acquistare 10.000 euro, mentre il deposito di soli 100 dollari. Nel peggiore dei casi, quando il commercio va male e la perdita arriva a 100 dollari il broker si chiuderà automaticamente il commercio e limitare la perdita per il deposito totale. Per fare una lunga storia breve, la leva è dato dai mediatori al fine di aiutare i commercianti fanno vincite più grandi con il rischio di maggiori perdite in tempi più brevi. Ciò significa che, negoziazione di più. L'altro è il commercio, meglio è per il broker, a causa del cosiddetto spread, che è la differenza tra l'acquisto e di vendita prezzo di ogni coppia di valute. La parte migliore è che il Forex diffusione sono molto bassi perché la concorrenza tra i broker forex li spinse ad abbassare gli spread per essere più attraente per i clienti. Uno spread tipico per EURUSD è 3 pips, che significa che i costi di intermediazione a soli 3 dollari per un commercio del valore di 10.000 euro. Nell'esempio precedente, quando il nostro commerciante ha vinto 100, il mercato spostato 103 punti per il nostro commerciante di realizzare un profitto di 100 dollari e il broker un utile di 3 dollari (questo è a causa della differenza 3 pips tra il prezzo di acquisto e di vendita). Broker Forex in Kenya Purtroppo non ci sono broker forex affidabili in Kenya in questo momento, quindi l'unica opzione commercianti keniani hanno di trarre profitto dal mercato del forex è quello di utilizzare un broker off-shore (un broker da un paese straniero). Fortunatamente per noi, ci sono molti broker internazionali che accettano i commercianti provenienti dal Kenya e dove si può facilmente depositare e prelevare denaro. È possibile aprire un conto online in meno di cinque minuti e depositare denaro con la carta di debito o altri metodi di pagamento online come Skrill, Neteller, Webmoney, Cash U, Paysafecard e molti altri. Naturalmente, è anche possibile depositare con bonifici bancari se si vuole fare grandi depositi o prelievi. Dopo aver controllato il più grande broker forex nel mondo ho selezionato quelli che sono più amichevole con i keniani e avere le migliori condizioni di negoziazione nonché i metodi di deposito e prelievo più accessibili. I migliori broker forex per keniani sono: Tutti offrono leva alta. mobile trading, i depositi minimi bassi e piattaforme di trading molto avanzate. Essi hanno anche un sacco di materiale didattico per imparare di più su forex trading e come fare soldi forex trading online. Autotrading - Using Software and Robots to Trade Forex The term forex trading software can actually refer to two very different things. You could be referring to the user interface such as Meta Stock or Meta Trade 45, which are used to access the forex markets You could be referring to robots that are used to automate trading. If you are looking for information on the former, kindly proceed to our article about Forex Trading software . Today I would like to talk about forex trading robots and whether it is a good idea to do automated trading. This topic is not mine alone. I would also like to hear your say. So, kindly make sure that you have dropped a comment at the end of the post. History of Automated Forex Trading Software The history of forex trading software can be traced back to 1999 when online forex trading became first accessible to small scale traders. However, bigger companies were able to automate forex trading from way back in the 1970s. Automated software trading is currently used in spot forex trading. I have never used any automated software to trade forex, and I cannot tell how profitable trading using robots is. You are therefore free to treat any information on this page as mere hearsay. Do your research, and establish whether trading forex using bots will earn you more money than manual trading. Types of Automated Forex Trading There are two broad types of automated forex trading. Completamente automatizzato di trading. Machines use an algorithmn to decide the best entry and exit points plus the trade size. The software will also execute all trades on your behalf. Autotrading using signals :The computer algo makes orders but leave you the freedom to decide whether you are going to execute those orders. Those who argue the case for using automated trading insist that by using software to trade forex, you can enter many trades in many markets than you would normally do trading manually. Software are also less prone to errors and they do not suffer from emotional decisions. A very good argument if you ask me. There are puritan traders who, on the other hand, will never trust a forex robot to make decisions for them. They insist that many forex trading software are not to be trusted. Whats your take on this Jim Makos 2013-08-20 You have heard of pivot points before when you were studying about technical analysis. But how can someone use pivot points in day trading stocks in particular This is how I take advantage of them while day trading the US stock market. I day traded 3 US stocks yesterday FBR, VFC and WHR. They all led to profit but of course that was just a fortunate event. There are losing trades obviously, much like there are both losing and winning days in stock trading. The point is to make more money on winning trades than on losing ones. But that is another story. Today I will show how I used pivot points while I was day trading these 3 stocks. And yes, I did make more than I stood to lose. Day trading FBR stock: Pivot point breakout I went long on this stock during the first hour of trading. Although that specific period is quite risky, the volatility creates promising candlestick patterns on the charts. Like the breakout above the R2 pivot point. I bought FBR at 11.81. Sure I was a bit late as I should have entered at about 11.75, right after the breakout candlestick. That would result in trading more shares, given the stop loss would remain at the same price: 11.71. Either way I would risk 100 dollars. That would of course be a very tight stop loss. As I was looking for a quick trade, I was planning on monitoring this trade closely and trail the stop loss at each candlesticks low, until it was hit. However that strategy changed as I went long based on the higher low that was formed 15 minutes later. And that was the exact time when I stumbled upon the FBR stock chart. The support level and the shallow retracement further strengthened my confidence in this trade. I eventually traded out 2 hours later when the latest support failed. There was no need to check out other time frames, since the gap up and the pivot points breakout were more than enough to point out the up trend. Gaps are very effective in momentum trading . The profit for this trade was about 130 dollars, the smallest of them all. Day trading VFC stock: Double top at pivot point Moving on, it was also unnecessary to check out more VFC charts apart from the 5-min stock chart. The stock did lose 5 the past few days. But it didnt take me more than 5 seconds to find that out from the daily chart. Thus, I was looking to short VFC stock . The double top which was drawn right on the mid pivot point was enough to convince me to short 200 shares of VFC at 192.72. Again I was risking 100, setting my stop loss at 193.22. As VFC stock was going south, I was moving my stop loss to the most recent resistance level. Luckily none failed and I am still short VFC. although I was expecting to trade out at the S1 pivot point Normally I am not holding stock overnight. But since I am in a paper-trading mode lately (day trading VISA stock shattered my confidence to pieces), I thought of giving it a go. Yet, for holding overnight I had to check out possible profit targets in longer time frames. Unless of course the stock retraces at the 5-min chart. By looking at the 30-min chart one could choose the S1 weekly pivot point. If that level fails just as quickly as the daily S1 pivot point however, I would be delighted to hold my position for more days to come Maybe the stock falls down to the quarterly mid-pivot point at 184.21, who knows For the time being though I am up 360 dollars on this one. E c'è di meglio. Day trading WHR stock: Resistance confirmation of previous days pivot point This was my big winner on Monday while paying close attention to pivot points in day trading stocks. This also goes to prove why the pivot points of the previous day is equally important . Whirlpools shares opened lower but quickly pulled back to the resistance level at 134.50. If I would be looking just at Mondays 5-min chart, I would have missed that resistance level. Since the stock didnt meet any resistance at mid-pivot point, there was zero chance I would have predicted a downtrend. By looking at the previous days action though, I decided to trust the resistance level that was now been confirmed by a double top Not to mention that it was a much respected pivot point level during Fridays session. I shorted 300 WHR shares at 134.16. Following the same exit strategy, I should have exited at 132.80 as the latest pullback had failed. Due to being away from the computer though, I missed moving the stop loss at that level. Another exit would have been the likely profit target at the S1 pivot point which also hit. By the time I logged in to my trading account, WHR shares were trading south of the S1 pivot point. Hence, I am still short WHR . Lets take a quick look at the 30-min chart. Oh boy, my short trade would bring more money if WHR shares plummet to the weekly S1 pivot point at 129.60 But Im happy with the 700 dollars this trade has secured at this point, having trailed the stop loss to the daily S1 pivot point. Here is my paper trading accounts PL screen for Monday. Do you have any advice about how to manage these trades now that I am still in the market Would you have traded differently And finally, do you use pivot points in your day trading strategy Let me know in the comments below. installere gratis USD Valutakurser, Vekselkurser, Valutaomregner installere gratis Valutaomregner Bij forex trading (Wat is forex) worden valutas doorgaans aangeduid met een drieletterige afkorting Deze valutacodes zijn gebaseerd op de internationale ISO 4217 norm Forex Trading - Global Foreign Exchange Markets Forex trading resources including analysis and news, online trading tools, currency market research, articles education materials Forex Trading Trade Currency Online Forex Broker OANDA OANDA is an online forex broker leader We provide online trader powerful forex trading technology, OANDA fxTrade foreign exchange rates for over 180 currencies Forex Robot No Loss Simple Automatic Income Proven. Forex Robot Nessuna perdita in tempo reale risultati giornalieri http: bit ly ForexRobotNoLoss Questo semplice software vi darà la libertà di fare come ti pare No hype, no Forex Trading Fundamentals - Forex Trading Corso Ep. 3. Trading va avanti in tutto il mondo durante i diversi paesi l'orario di lavoro È possibile, dunque, commerciali principali valute in qualsiasi momento, 24 ore al giorno Alles oltre Forex Forex Strategie Forex Broker. Wat è forex Het woord Forex komt van cambi, oftewel de Valuta Markt di commercio di gergo Soms wordt ook nog forex verder afgekort tot FX Forex convertitore di valuta forex. ch ch forex forex ch, Notizie Forex, Forex Istruzione, Forex Risorse Sei qui: Convertitore casa Forex Risorse valuta valuta Seputar Forex Trading Dapatkan informazioni terbaru Seputar. Hasil analisa memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam berdagang forex Apabila akurat, berdagang forex akan membawa kemaslahatan Sebaliknya, kalau tidak akurat

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